Rainbow Waters (Seven Spirits of God)

Seven Spirits of God: Flow in the Spirit by Dyed4you Art

Isaiah 44:3 (NKJV) For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring;

Beloved, thirst for Me, for I will not leave you parched. I delight to saturate you with My Spirit – to flood you to overflowing that you might bless others in the overflow. Pour out without reserve knowing I AM faithful to pour in. Allow My Holy Spirit to bring forth abundant life, with beauty blooming forth even in the desert and the dry season.

For I give the only water that truly satisfies. Seek Me, beloved. Yield to My Spirit. Allow each facet to manifest in splendor in your life: My Spirit, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and a reverential fear of Me. Flow in each glorious stream, and let the rainbow waters flow in and through you bring glory and honor to Me. Continue reading “Rainbow Waters (Seven Spirits of God)”

Flow in Unity

Ephesians 4:3 (VOICE) Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together.

Beloved, flow in unity. Be intentional to choose unity, even when that means sacrificing your pride or your plans. Yield to My heart and My plans. Love your fellow believers and extend much grace to them, just as much grace has been extended to you.

For you to flow in harmony as one, you must walk in love. Resist the urge to judge. Trust My Spirit to guide and correct each of you. Bring your concerns to Me, and then leave them in My capable hands as you embrace your siblings in Christ with sincere, unfettered love.

Coming Promises

Ruth 3:1,5 (AMP) Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to Ruth, “My daughter, shall I not look for security and a home for you, so that it may be well with you? Ruth answered her, “I will do everything that you say.”

Beloved, I see the promises I have set before you, and I know each step you must take to walk in the fullness of them. Trust Me to lead. Yield completely to My plan. You don’t have to agree or understand, you simply have to obey.

This is a matter of trust, which is a matter of faith. Will you wait when I say wait, and act when I say act? Will you trust that I have not forgotten you even when the wait seems long? Will you rest in the knowledge that My timing is perfect and My plans for you are good?

Know that I AM God. Be content with every part of the journey. As you wait in expectation for the promises ahead, be mindful not to slip into impatience, frustration, or resentment. I do not toy with My children. Even the time of waiting is fruitful, so embrace it and wait with joy for the coming promises.

Carrier of My Presence

Romans 8:11 (VOICE) If the Spirit of the One who resurrected Jesus from the dead lives inside of you, then you can be sure that He who raised Him will cast the light of life into your mortal bodies through the life-giving power of the Spirit residing in you.

Beloved, if you belong to Me, My Spirit  dwells within you, and you are a carrier of My presence. This is no light task, but a precious responsibility, for you have been radically redeemed. Many of those around you need a touch from heaven, and you carry within you the living Spirit of the One they need. Your role is to facilitate connection. 

Walk in compassion for those who don’t yet know Me, remembering how you once were in that darkness too. Live a life that radiates the joyful light now within you that others may be drawn to Me simply by knowing you. 

Weapons of War / Implements of Peace

Joel 3:10 (VOICE) Hammer your sickles into swords. Forge your pruning shears into spears. For this final battle, even the weakling must say, ‘I am a warrior!’

Beloved, there is a time of peace and a time of war. Be sensitive to My Spirit to know the season and the times. And in each season, take the time to prepare whether you be reworking your plowshare into a sword or reverting your weapon of war to an implement of peace. 

Be prepared to build. Be prepared to tear down. Be prepared and flow in unity with My Spirit that you might also be in harmony with your brothers and sisters in Christ as we all move together as one, for together we are mighty. Continue reading “Weapons of War / Implements of Peace”

The Power of My Spirit

Psalm 107:35 (VOICE) Yet He transforms a dry, lonely desert into pools of living water, parched ground into lively springs.

Beloved, the power of My Spirit changes things. Nothing is impossible with Me. Deserts rush with water and the dead rise up and walk. Hearts are changed and minds renewed. My Spirit is mighty and life changing. I AM the God of the impossible. Walk in that power as My Spirit works within you.

But remember, beloved, that I don’t do the miraculous on command as though it were a parlor trick. I do it so that My hand is seen, My glory is manifest, and My power is made known. So allow My Spirit to do its work in you. Yield, operate in power, and be radically transformed by the wonder-working power of Your God.

Arrayed in Splendor

1 Chronicles 29:11 (DBY) Thine, Jehovah, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the splendour, and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and on the earth is thine: thine, Jehovah, is the kingdom, and thou art exalted as Head above all;

Beloved, I AM arrayed in splendor. I AM the very essence of glory. I AM beauty, and I display My majesty for all to see. Pause and reflect on all I AM. Let your eyes and heart and mind be filled with the wonder of Me. Stand in awe and let your heart be enthralled by Me.

Stare in holy wonder, beloved, for I defy description. Yet there is purpose in the trying. Even though you can never fully understand the breadth, height, and depth of My love, it is worth the effort to try.

As you come to know Me more, the way you see everything changes – clarity comes and a rightness of scale. Things that once seemed overwhelming begin to feel manageable or even insignificant compared to Me – the One who loves and adores you, the One who is staunchly for you.

Fix your eyes on Me, beloved, and refuse to shift your gaze. Be fascinated by all that I AM and immerse yourself in My splendor and majesty. Continue reading “Arrayed in Splendor”

Flow as One

Ephesians 4:3 (AMP) Make every effort to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the bond of peace [each individual working together to make the whole successful].

Beloved, flow as one, for you are one. The Body of Christ. One body. United in purpose: bringing glory and honor to Me. Refuse to be distracted by personal agendas and selfish goals or motivations. Stay focused on Me – My plans, My direction, My kingdom.

Just as a physical body works together to keep the air that maintains life flowing through the body, work together as one to allow the flow of My Spirit throughout the Body of Christ – My breath invigorating and quickening.

Desert Bloom

Isaiah 35:1 (GW) The desert and the dry land will be glad, and the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Beloved, I have created you to flourish in rough terrain. Refuse to let the rocks and desert deter you from making progress, for I have equipped you to succeed – to flourish even in hostile territory. Nothing can hold you back. I AM on your side.

There is strength in your beauty, beloved. Put it on display for all to see. Don’t hold back. Expand to the left and the right – stretch out your reach and stake more territory, for I AM with you, My heavenly hosts surround you, and I AM protecting you at every turn. Listen for My voice and respond. It is time to bloom. Continue reading “Desert Bloom”

Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger

Psalm 106:33 (AMP) Because they were rebellious against His Spirit, Moses spoke recklessly with his lips.

Beloved, be not riled. Rather hold your tongue and refuse to be provoked – even on My behalf. There are consequences to every word that falls from your lips; therefore, guard them carefully. Refuse to be baited into fruitless arguments or allow petty bickering to incite you to stoop to its level.

Walk in humility and wisdom, being slow to speak and slow to anger. Weigh each word and seek My Spirit’s counsel, for I AM the only one who fully knows the inner workings of men’s hearts, so ask Me for instruction on what to say and when to say it, and I will advise you with true wisdom that brings harmony. Continue reading “Slow to Speak and Slow to Anger”