Periodically we are asked what is the difference between a silk from Dyed4you and Dyed4you Ministries/Dyed4you Readymade? The short answer is “who makes your silk.” The longer answer is below, hopefully it clarifies.
Dyed4you, Dyed4you Readymade, and Dyed4you Art are all part of Dyed4you Ministries. They are covered by a single group of intercessors and a variety of prophetic individuals who help birth the letters/words that go with the art and silks.
Meghan (who originally founded Dyed4you in 2006) handed over the day-to-day activities to Larisa in mid-2013. Larisa was trained and mentored by Meghan, and Dyed4you continued to flourish and receive the same beautiful testimonies under Larisa’s care. Meghan stayed connected to the Dyed4you portion of the ministry via the prophetic team and in a quiet leadership role; it was a much needed sabbatical time.
In the fall of 2016, Father told Meghan to begin dyeing and becoming more involved again. Over the next year, Larisa and Meghan worked quietly behind the scenes to figure out who should do what and which pieces Father wanted each of them doing. Ultimately, Dyed4you Readymade was birthed and since our Dyed4you site was connected to our Dyed4you Facebook page, Dyed4you Readymade became connected to our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page.
So Dyed4you and its Facebook page remained under Larisa’s care, while Meghan covered the other portions of Dyed4you Ministries. So a silk from Dyed4you will be dyed by Larisa and a silk from Dyed4you Ministries, Dyed4you Readymade, or Dyed4you Art will be dyed by Meghan.
In fall of 2023, Meghan again released the helm of Dyed4you to Larisa. Meghan still assists behind the scenes and creates in the moments she’s called to, but is grateful to entrust her “baby” into Larisa’s loving (and passionate) hands.
With all that said, Meghan and Larisa are united in purpose and consider themselves one team. The silk letters are from the ministry as a whole, so a silk dyed by Larisa may be a letter birthed by Meghan or vice versa (or by our team, of course). We work together, pray together, and feel Father has us uniting for multiplication purposes as He expands Dyed4you Ministries as a whole and continues to further our mission, which is helping people further their intimacy with God and hear His voice.
Larisa and Meghan personally refuse to enter into a spirit of competition. So if you are friends with one of us, but feel led to order a silk from the other one – that its TOTALLY fine! We want whatever God wants. So please don’t feel like we will feel slighted or hurt. We don’t want anyone to feel like they’re being disloyal because we don’t see it that way.
The ministry as a whole carries a specific anointing, but we as individuals do as well and we know and embrace that; it’s why even we have silks made by both of us (as well as ones from other artisans). In the end we simply want to glorify God and see Him move in and through us and the ministry. To HIM be all the glory!