More Prophetic Flow

New things are afoot here on the Dyed4you Ministries blog! When we announced that we were going to stop sharing the Prophetic Nuggets on this blog (Wondering Where the Daily Prophetic Nugget Is?), I wasn’t sure what direction God would take this blog at that point. This week we got the new vision for this space and we’re excited to share it with you.

As you’ve seen in the Silk Words we’ve shared, the letter that come with our silks and art include prophetic downloads from many of our Dyed4you Team Members. We realized we wanted to keep these downloads in one central place, and felt others would be blessed by them as well. So we decided to share them here for you all to enjoy. We also want to share the weekly recording of the Dyed4you Ministries FB Page‘s Lunchtime Live, so once a week the Prophetic Nugget and livestream will be shared on here (as well as on Daily Downloads from Heaven).

Going forward this would amount to a few emails a week perhaps, but right now we have a pretty big backlog we want to get online. We’re hoping to do that without generating a bunch of emails to our subscribers, but if we don’t manage to succeed and end up inundating you – sorry! Please know it won’t happen long term and thank you for bearing with us during the transition. 🙂

Blessings to you and we hope you’ll be blessed by the words Papa shares through our team!

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