Verdant Outlook

Lush Garden” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Life and growth lie ahead. Expanding before you is a lush valley that is ripe with possibility. Seeing shades of green and pink – the colors of spring and possibility—new buds, verdant greens, and blossoms bursting forth in all their splendor. Sometimes, we choose to see a blank canvas as a void, but in reality, it is the very picture of possibility—it is a prepared space for beauty to take place. In the same way, the space before you is a prepared space for much life, beauty, and growth to take place. So step in —like a child skipping across the grass—with joy and expectation of more joy, and embrace the wonder that is to come, for it is good!

Oneness and Strength (2 Samuel 22)

This is a series of six Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of three Prophetic Nuggets based on 2 Samuel 22:1-7; 17-20 (VOICE):

David: The Eternal is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; He is my True God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge, My strong shield, my horn that calls forth rescue, my tall-walled tower and strong refuge, My savior from violence. I call on the Eternal, who is worthy to be praised, and I have been rescued from my enemies. The waves of death surrounded me; the torrents of terror tugged at me. The sorrows of the grave tightly tangled me; the snares of death met me. In my time of need I called upon the Eternal One; I called to my True God for help. He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came to His ears. He reached down from above me, He held me; He pulled me from the raging waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy and from all those who hated me, for they would have overwhelmed me. When my enemies came for me on the day of my destruction, the Eternal stepped in to support me. He led me out onto a broad plain; He delivered me because of His delight in me.

Continue reading “Oneness and Strength (2 Samuel 22)”

Into the Deep

Chokma (Wisdom)” by Meghan Williams, Dyed4you Art

Step into the deep—the mysteries of the universe—like never before. Draw life and energy and abundance as you are catapulted to previously unknown levels. There’s so much more! A world is opening up to you—embrace it now.

Live: Light for the Next Step

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “TENACITY” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Tenacious Bloom” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “You were created to bloom regardless of circumstance; you are more tenacious than you know. So when life seems to throw obstacles in your path, just be still and allow the way through to be highlighted. For nothing can stop your forward progress – your growth – but you; so stay focused and keep on blooming.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Light for the Next Step”

Live: Yielding to Divine Direction

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “OPEN DOORS” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Heaven’s Door” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Watch for Divine direction – open doors, green lights, and a sense of peace. Trust the path that opens before you, and trust Spirit to close the doors that aren’t for you so that you aren’t led astray. And when all the paths seem blocked, simply keep watching for the open door to come – the green light will flash on in your spirit and peace will take hold.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Yielding to Divine Direction”

Live: Love Ourselves

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • New pup Phoebe!
    • Sharing the testimony and God’s word to me to “be flexible and open to change”
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “AUTHENTIC SELF” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Bloom Unashamed” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “You are amazing. Refuse to edit or lessen yourself or to try to be like someone else. You are an original – a gift to the world, so refuse to defraud us all by being anything less than your beautiful self. Be your authentic self, for you are worth knowing and loving just as you are.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Love Ourselves”

Live: Focused Thoughts and Intensions

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “IMMOVABLE” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Immovable” (unreleased) Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Don’t Give Up. Be immovable as you await breakthrough, for even though sometimes the wait seems to have no end in sight, if you are steadfast, breakthrough will come. Refuse to shift your energy or intentions towards fear. Keep your eyes and intention focused on the outcome you’re seeking to manifest and stay true to that vision come what may.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Focused Thoughts and Intensions”

Live: Bask in the Majesty of God’s Creation

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • Apologies for the inauspicious, blooper-filled beginning LOL
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “BE LIFTED” card from D4Yart Deck 3 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Father’s Song” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Allow creation to bolster your spirit and awaken your senses, for beauty surrounds you if you will but take the time to see it. So whether it comes in the smile of a kind stranger or the beauty of a bird in flight, embrace the sweet kisses from the Universe that are available and always around you .”
    • A connected video if you’d like to see more is Live: Choose What/Who You Magnify

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Bask in the Majesty of God’s Creation”

Live: Empowered by Choice

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • We started with an impromptu field trip to see if the oven was still on LOL
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “CHALLENGES” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Lord of All” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “All of life presents challenges to overcome and grow through. Making daily choices to be healthy may be difficult, but not doing so and dealing with the resulting health challenges is difficult too; just as being fiscally responsible is challenging, but living in a constant state of debt and lack is as well. So choose wisely which challenges you want to take on, rather than allowing your non-decisions to force your hand.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend! Continue reading “Live: Empowered by Choice”