You’re the Daughter of the King!

Art by Jessica Smith Art

I had this dream a few years ago before the phrase “Daughter Of The King” meant anything to me. I felt the phrase was a cliche and it annoyed me (needless to say I had identity issues)… until I had this dream in the middle of a 15 day water-only fast. I was under the most intense spiritual attack of my life by a spirit of fear/torment. I had forgotten who I truly was in Christ. Continue reading “You’re the Daughter of the King!”

Moving at the Speed of Grace

{vision} I saw a sign on a road showing that the speed limit was 55. There was a blurred line through the middle of the 55, and I knew there were words printed there.

I saw this vision just before I opened my eyes one recent morning. I sensed this was a “sign” for the spiritual speed limit for my day. Immediately, I knew the “55” represented a multiplication of grace. I also recognized the words that I couldn’t read symbolized a “word” that God had for me through this vision. This word would bring clarity to a repeated message He had been speaking in the Spirit: “Slow down.” Continue reading “Moving at the Speed of Grace”

Good Pain (Hosea 6:1)

Eyes of Mercy by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

Recently, God has been talking to a couple of us on the Dyed4you Team about His mercy. And as He did, He began talking about His refining fire. Initially I was confused because I would not have thought of trials and refining as being connected to the mercy of God. But as Papa began to give the revelation, He brought to mind Misty Edwards’ song “Servant of All.” In the song, she makes reference to the fact that the Kingdom of God is an “upside down kingdom,” where we die to live and lose to gain. This seemed to parallel what we found with trials and the mercy of God. If we can embrace this upside-down nature, we can truly begin to flourish. Continue reading “Good Pain (Hosea 6:1)”