Priestly Role, a Surrendered Life

Numbers 4:16 (GW) “Eleazar, son of the priest Aaron, will be in charge of the oil for the lamps, the sweet-smelling incense, the daily grain offering, and the anointing oil. He is in charge of the whole tent and everything in it, the holy place and its contents.”

Beloved, you are called to be a priest – one who surrenders their life in service to Me – and part of a priest’s role is to facilitate My presence – the oil of My anointing – that My glory might burn brightly. Another part is that you lead worship by example, not just in praise, but in lifestyles of worship – heart fixed on Me – sacrificial particularly in the sense of surrendering control to Me (a holy offering).

As you release the reins of your life to Me, you demonstrate to others I AM trustworthy. No word need be spoken – I assure you, people see. Not only do they see, but they watch to see how I will respond. It is then they see My love and the inner strength, peace, and joy I bring. So live well, beloved, and walk in the priestly role you’ve been called to. Continue reading “Priestly Role, a Surrendered Life”

Be a Conduit of Blessing and Grace

Psalm 112:5 (VOICE) Good comes to all who are gracious and share freely; they conduct their affairs with sound judgment.

Beloved, just as I have extended grace to you, you (being made in My image) should be intentional about extending grace to others. Freely you’ve received, freely give. Withholding grace speaks more to your character than to the recipient’s worth, so be known as one who is gracious and generous in spirit.

If it is within your power to be a blessing, resist the temptation to withhold it. Trust My leading and operate as a conduit for Me to bless others through. Closing down that pipeline doesn’t actually give you more, but rather it stagnates the flow. So open wide – holding everything loosely – what I prompt you to give won’t feel like a loss because of the magnitude of blessings on their way down the pipeline for you and for you to generously share. Continue reading “Be a Conduit of Blessing and Grace”

I Will Meet You in Your Dreams

Psalm 3:5 (VOICE) I lie down at night and fall asleep. I awake in the morning—healthy, strong, vibrant—because the Eternal supports me.

Beloved, I AM with you always. Rest in Me. As you yield to Me even in your sleep, I will meet you there for times of refreshing and impartation. Be ready to receive. Come with your heart prepared to meet with Me. Truly you cannot begin to imagine all that I want to share with you there, beloved.

Be ready to be commissioned. Be ready to be mantled. Be ready to be radically and completely healed and transformed. Come ready to lower your guard (you don’t need it with Me anyway), and your logic won’t help you here – My ways are not your ways. Simply trust and yield. Take Me at My word and receive.

Time to Flourish and Bloom

Isaiah 35:1 (TLB) Even the wilderness and desert will rejoice in those days; the desert will blossom with flowers.

Beloved, now is the time to bloom! Walk forward in peace and wisdom for it is time to prosper and flourish. My call is given without repentance. I haven’t changed My mind about you or the plans I have for you. I will see them through to their completion, never leaving your side, ever cheering you on as you blossom into the fullness of all I’ve created you for and called you to.

I’m not done with you yet. I have so much more in store. Hang on. Things are not dry or dying, but simply making way for new life. This desert is going to bloom. So make ready and prepare a place, for abundance is about to overtake you – so much that your storehouses won’t be able to contain it all. Make ready, beloved. It’s time to flourish and bloom!

Recharge in My Presence 

Acts 3:19 (VOICE) So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord.

Beloved, take the time to recharge in My presence. You are called to usher in My presence wherever you go, changing the atmosphere around you and reflecting the glory that is Me. You cannot do that effectively if you are wiped out, exhausted, and spiritually dry. Do not run out of oil, beloved, for the oil of My Spirit brings healing and restoration – it is vital to bring life. Keep your oil full, your lamp prepared, and your light shining brightly.

Refresh with Me. Recharge with Me. Let Me refill you, restore and renew you. Rest in Me and let Me have My way in your heart, beloved, for My touch is gentle and My love for you knows no bounds. Continue reading “Recharge in My Presence “

Cultivate Relationship with Me

Luke 10:41-42 (GW) The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha! You worry and fuss about a lot of things. There’s only one thing you need. Mary has made the right choice, and that one thing will not be taken away from her.”

Beloved, don’t allow yourself to get distracted by busyness. There will always be many good, worthwhile activities, but I have not called you to them all. Relationship with Me is more important than anything you could be doing, so make the time to cultivate it. Choose the better part – time with Me – and it will not be taken from you.

Remember that I AM the vine and you are a branch.  I AM your source of life. Draw from Me that you might bear fruit and bear it abundantly. Abide in Me. Dwell and rest in My presence that you might know Me and hear My voice clearly. Then you will know that you know your time is not wasted on fruitless activities because I will direct you. Rest in Me and bear fruit. Continue reading “Cultivate Relationship with Me”

Sober Responsibility

Romans 8:5-8 (MSG) Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God!…

Beloved, I have placed a power in you – My Spirit – that cannot be contained or controlled. And you are a vessel that I AM moving through mightily. My authority rests upon you. Move in it unapologetically. I have called you to touch My people and to bring My healing and restoration. You are My hands and feet, reflecting My heart, so that others may know Me and know Me more deeply. This is a weighty responsibility, to demonstrate My heart to those who need Me so desperately, but it is not a burden for you, it is simply a sober responsibility. But beloved, you wear it lightly, allowing Me to share that weight, and simply flowing in My spirit and it is beautiful. Thank you for allowing Me to move through you in such mighty and powerful ways.

I love you so deeply. But My love for you is not because of your yieldedness and willingness to move on My behalf, but rather simply because you are My precious child. And yet I love partnering with you to change lives. Thank you for being willing to lay yourself bare for the good of others. Walk in the fullness of all I have called you to, My blessing and My hand rest upon you.

Do Not Be Distracted By the “Good”

Psalm 127:1 (VOICE) Unless the Eternal builds the house, those who labor to raise it will have worked for nothing. Unless the Eternal stands watch over the city, those who guard it have wasted their time.

Beloved, don’t waste your efforts on things I have not called you to, expending your energy and leaving yourself too worn out to complete the tasks to which you have been assigned.  If the enemy cannot stop you from doing good, he will try to deplete your energy and divide your vision by putting “good” things in your path to keep you from the things I have called you to put your efforts and energy to. Stick to your call. Stay aligned with My perfect will. There will always be more “good” things to turn your time and efforts to than you could possibly begin to complete.

Do not be distracted or emotionally manipulated into doing things I have not called you to. In doing these things not only to you misuse the resources I’ve given you, but you block the path of the one I HAVE called to do that “good” thing. So step out of the way. Be ok with saying no – trusting that all those involved want you only where I want you and if they don’t, THEY are out of alignment, not you – that isn’t for you to fix. You leading by example that following My will and trusting Me to put everyone in their right place encourages others to do the same.