Beloved, when I open the door into a new day and new season in your life, know with certainty that I have prepared you and empowered you for all that is ahead. You’ve taken many steps to get to where you are today, and you have learned many lessons along the way. Trust Me, for I am a good Father and Teacher; I always equip you to succeed wherever I call you to go. Continue reading “A Heart for Adventure”
Cultivate Boldness
Beloved, cultivate your walk in boldness with Me. Let your life in boldness come forth from My solid foundation, for your courage is birthed in who I Am, not in your own abilities or inaccurate perception of yourself. Let your boldness flow from Who I Am. My nature is the template for who you are.
I Am with You
I have said I go with you, before you and am your rear guard. What or who should you fear? No one or no thing. For I am always with you, I do not leave you and I never will. I know others have hurt you and left but I Am and I do not turn away from my children. I gave you the Authority, same one Jesus had while walking on this Earth. Do not allow any fear or intimidation to come over you! You are mine child and I stand by you and I fight for you. I will protect my own as a natural parent protects their own child and even in nature animals protect their own. Why do you not think that I will protect you any less than animals or humans, I will shield you. Continue reading “I Am with You”
Wings of Faith
Matthew 14:27-29 (AMPC) But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I Am! Stop being afraid! And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.
My child, remember that courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is the choice you make to move in accordance with My guiding in spite of your fears. Do not fret if your heart still trembles as you take bold steps in the direction I call you. Like a muscle that becomes strengthened through constant resistance training, so your confidence will be built through repeated resistance of fear. Fear will lose its hold as you repeatedly make the choice to trust Me. Continue reading “Wings of Faith”
Yielded Vessels
I keep hearing the Father say to just be yielded vessels to Me and for Me. Allow Me to work in and through you, allow Me access to all places. Those places that you might wall off or shut down to others, allow Me access so I can bring in My rush of healing, love, and provision. I will remove all doubt and fear. And like the verse says, “I can do all things through Christ” (Philippians 3:14). You can do all things and have boldness, courage, and strength to do anything that I have indeed called you to. Continue reading “Yielded Vessels”
Lead the Charge

My vessel, you have been anointed for war. Even more, I have called you to lead others into battle. You know well that the weapons you wield are mighty in Me and not of this earth. I have anointed you with breakthrough power and might by My Spirit. Long-standing hinderances to the manifestation of My Kingdom will crumble when you lift up My Word as a banner. Through Me, you will overcome. Continue reading “Lead the Charge”
Dive Deep

Jeremiah 1:5 (AMPC) Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
Beloved, I created you that I might know you. I brought you forth that you might explore the depths of who I am. I am love and it is My good pleasure that you would live forever immersed in Me. My love is endless and fathomless, far deeper than the oceans. I am worth knowing, and I take great joy when you pursue Me with all of your being. Continue reading “Dive Deep”
Let My Voice Roar Through You
Matthew 10:27 (NKJV) Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.
Beloved, you are one who continually sits at My feet. You eat from My hand and are eager to soak in every word that I say. As a result, you know My voice. Even more, your persistence in maintaining intimacy with Me means that you know My heart. The result of your intimacy and choice to seek Me above all else means that My voice now bubbles up from within you continually. I have rubbed off on you and there is no turning back, My love! Continue reading “Let My Voice Roar Through You”
Set Like a Flint
The word “strong” is the Hebrew word “chazaq” (pronounced kha-zak) and means to “strengthen, prevail, harden, be firm, grow firm, and be resolute; to press, be urgent, to sustain or encourage oneself, to make bold, to keep hold of, and to withstand.”
The words “very courageous” are the Hebrew words “m’od ‘amats” and mean “to be exceedingly and abundantly strong, alert, brave, bold, solid, secure, determined, persistent, and to confirm oneself.” Continue reading “Set Like a Flint”