The name of your silk is Dark but Lovely. The colors in it are:
Dark but Lovely
Cream representing milk and honey
Burgundy representing worth dying for
Dark Red representing overwhelming love of God
Raven representing shadow of His wings
Indigo representing songs of deliverance
Pearl shimmer representing pure heart OPT
The scriptures that go with it are:
Song of Songs 4:1 (TPT) Listen, my dearest darling, you are so beautiful—you are beauty itself to me! Your eyes glisten with love, like gentle doves behind your veil. What devotion I see each time I gaze upon you. You are like a sacrifice ready to be offered.
Ephesians 2:10 (AMP)For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above- spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God has prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set] so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us]
1 Samuel 1:4-5 (ESV) On the day when Elkanah sacrificed, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion, because he loved her, though the Lord had closed her womb.
Just as Elkanah gave Hannah a double portion out of his great love for her, though she bore him no children, so too does My boundless love extend towards you. The place of favor you have in My heart does not need to be continually earned; there is no need, for you are inherently worth loving. My eternal desire is to show My great affections toward you and lavish you in a double portion of blessing—My Spirit and My Kingdom. Will you open your heart to fully receive what I have to give?
Though I am the giver of good gifts, a gift is of no use if it is not accepted. Therefore, I am stirring your innermost being and knocking upon the doors of your heart. Will you open to Me? Will you make room to receive your double portion?
Expand your mind, beloved. Remove the limits off of Me and off of yourself. Resist the urge to box Me in by determining what you believe I would and can do for you. For through the cross, you’ve seen how far I’m willing to go for you. I hold nothing of Myself back. As you let go of false and limiting beliefs, more of My Kingdom will begin to manifest in your life. For just as the earth draws the rain, so too will your open and believing heart draw the manifestations of My love to you in surprising new ways.
Song of Solomon 5:2 (VOICE) Her: I was sleeping, but my heart was awake when I heard a sound, the sound of my love pounding at the door. Him: Open yourself to me, my sister, my dearest, my sweet dove, my flawless beauty. My head is drenched with dew; my hair is soaked with the wetness of the night.
“Season of Bounty” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
Song of Solomon 2:10-12 (VOICE) My love responded and said to me, [Him] “Arise, my dearest, my beauty, and come away with me. Don’t you see? The winter is done. The rains and clouds have come and gone. The flowers are unfolding in the fields; the birds are warming up their songs, The cooing of the turtledove is heard throughout the land.”
Behold, you have entered into a new season, beloved. You feel it in your bones and know it in your heart, and yet you are tempted to hesitate because your gaze is fixed on seasons past. Yes, you have known the pain of what it is like to step outside of My timing and My will when you step ahead of Me. You have witnessed that depending upon your own strength and understanding does not bear fruit or profit you. But look at your past with grace and mercy, for from that place of weakness you also discovered true strength and the Source of your life. The winter seasons have passed and they have resulted in a deep abiding joy and a life-giving flow of My Holy Spirit within you. Indeed, I say that you are a tree that is bearing good fruit.
As you step into this new season, remember that you are an extension of Me. I have created you for good works that will glorify the Father in heaven. Be comforted and be encouraged, beloved; refuse to be intimidated into stepping back. For I know you well and would not call you to step forward into this new season unless I deemed it time. Therefore, trust in Me, continue to abide in Me and be lead by My Spirit. You will know that My hand is in this new season and new direction, for what I move you to do by My Spirit and what I set into your hands will surely prosper and flourish. For blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply these new seeds of purpose and destiny within you.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 (VOICE) and I know God has made everything beautiful for its time. God has also placed in our minds a sense of eternity; we look back on the past and ponder over the future, yet we cannot understand the doings of God.
“Abundant Fruit” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art
I place my hand in His to begin this lifelong journey. This is just the beginning of allowing Jesus to love me. As He spoke these words, “You are worthy of love. You are worth loving,” He has awakened me with the sound of His voice, His words penetrating the depths of my heart and melting away the lies of fear and shame.
Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me. 6 Fasten me upon your heart as a seal of fire forevermore. This living, consuming flame will seal you as my prisoner of love. My passion is stronger than the chains of death and the grave, all consuming as the very flashes of fire from the burning heart of God. Place this fierce, unrelenting fire over your entire being. 7 Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore. Song of Songs 8:5-7 (TPT)
For so long the cry of my heart has been, “Jesus, I love you!” Then one day He gently whispered these words to my heart, “Allow Me to love you.” All this time I never thought about allowing Him to love me. I assumed, as long as I love Him, that’s all that matters.
In that moment, He showed me how I had not opened my heart to receive His love for me. But, why? I did not believe I was worth loving. I did not believe I deserved His love. I assumed it was enough for me to love on Him but did not allow Him to love on me.
The beauty of His words have awakened my heart. Each time He speaks of His love for me, I am completely overwhelmed and undone by how He could love me so much.
Sit. Be still. Breathe. Breathe deep. Rest. Receive.
There is a bridal gown – white and beautiful, covered in glittery jewels making it shine bright. And as I stand looking at it, I am struck with the thought, “how can I possibly wear this?” I feel so unworthy.I feel the weight of shame from my past – innocence lost, mistakes made.The loud voices saying “You are not enough.” Continue reading “Radiant Bride”
Song of Solomon 8:7 (VOICE) No amount of water can quench love; a raging flood cannot drown it out…
Beloved, burn with a passion that refuses to be quenched. No trial or perceived lack can cause you to doubt the intensity of your feelings for Me. The actions of others cannot shift your gaze, but rather your wholehearted love is steadfast and sure.
Be ardent, beloved. Singleminded and unwavering in your affection. Then allow your actions to flow from this foundation of love, for when you love Me to a point of near obsession, you cannot hate or resent My creation. Mirroring My heart of grace and compassion becomes easier because your heart is fixed on Me.
In the same way, your work will flow from a heart of love rather than obligation. You’ll know you have no need to earn My affection because it is already most assuredly yours. Then the joy of partnering with Me truly is a joy and not a burden. So flow from a place of love and burn with unquenchable passion for Me. Continue reading “Unquenchable Passion”
Song of Solomon 8:4 (VOICE) …Heed my warning: I charge you not to excite your love until it is ready. Don’t stir a fire in your heart too soon, until it is ready to be satisfied.
Be patient, beloved, and trust My timing. Resist the urge to be impatient or to move ahead of My plans. Everything must be in its season. You cannot rush a fruit to ripen, nor speed the growth of a child through nagging, so resist the urge to try.
Wait upon Me. Surrender to My cadence. Stay in step. Allow your longing to grow to full maturation without it edging into frustration or agitation. Enjoy the blooming season, and embrace the passionate awakening wholeheartedly in its time.
Song of Songs 2:11-12 (TPT) The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers. The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived. I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth.
Beloved, it’s time. You’ve prepared and you’ve waited – longing even for the new season, and now it’s time. Without hesitation step forward in full confidence that I AM leading and you are ready.
So with Me by your side and your hand in Mine, walk with Me into what lies ahead. For though the cost has been high, the wait will be worth it. Rejoice, beloved, and embrace the new.
Song of Solomon 8:7 (VOICE) …If a person tried to exchange all of his wealth for love, then he would be surely rejected.
Beloved, you cannot buy My love anymore than I can gain your constancy through gifts. A love available for purchase is no love at all. So if your love is conditional upon My blessings, it is not truly love.
Love stands in the face of trials and adversity. Love is immovable and unchangeable. True love is unconditional and constant. That is the love I have lavished on you. Will you lavish the same upon Me?
Song of Solomon 8:7 (VOICE) No amount of water can quench love; a raging flood cannot drown it out. If a person tried to exchange all of his wealth for love, then he would be surely rejected.