Today a customer and friend shared a picture of a boo-boo on her silk that happened as she was warring with them. I responded that one of the things I appreciated about silk is that you can’t see their flaws when they’re in motion, and laughingly added that there was probably a whole message in that. But as I pondered that, I realized it really was true.
This made me realize there are parallels to how we view ourselves. How easy it is to see our own flaws when we stop and look, but when we are simply in worship – in motion – beauty. This isn’t a Martha vs. Mary thing, but rather a commentary on focus. When our eyes are on Him and our hearts set on worship, we simply don’t see our flaws. They’re still there, but their prominence is diminished. Meanwhile, while our focus is on Him, He is appreciating our beauty.
For me this was a great reminder to shift focus away from self and keep it steadily on Him. Because He sees us through rose-colored glasses and is captivated by our beauty (the Blood – I touch on this in the Dyed4you Art piece La Vie en Rose).
Let His view of you dictate your view of yourself. Concerns about our flaws and shortcomings fall away as we remain singular in our focus on Him and being beautiful in His eyes. Allow His loving gaze to soften your gaze upon yourself (and others). Let your heart in motion radiate with love and joy in worship and adorn your countenance more successfully than any product or accessory could.
Beautiful word!
🙂 I am seeing that it has been one of the most difficult things to do has been to ” Let God Love me ” I am learning <3