Be Changed in My Presence 

Matthew 27:51 (TLB) And look! The curtain secluding the Holiest Place in the Temple was split apart from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and rocks broke,

Beloved, I removed the separations between us. I’ve granted you access and encouraged you to come boldly and expectantly. I want time with you face-to-face. I want My glory to reflect on your countenance. I want you to spend time in My presence not asking for anything or feeling the need to do anything, just simply being. Being together. Being quiet. Being one.

Come and be changed in My presence. Come and be moved. Let Me love you and teach you how to love like Me. To simply be more like Me. Holy. And hear the angels surrounding My throne crying “Holy! Holy! Holy!” Be immersed in Me. Let the atmosphere of heaven penetrate your soul. Be forever changed in My presence and made whole.

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