Be a Conduit of Blessing and Grace

Psalm 112:5 (VOICE) Good comes to all who are gracious and share freely; they conduct their affairs with sound judgment.

Beloved, just as I have extended grace to you, you (being made in My image) should be intentional about extending grace to others. Freely you’ve received, freely give. Withholding grace speaks more to your character than to the recipient’s worth, so be known as one who is gracious and generous in spirit.

If it is within your power to be a blessing, resist the temptation to withhold it. Trust My leading and operate as a conduit for Me to bless others through. Closing down that pipeline doesn’t actually give you more, but rather it stagnates the flow. So open wide – holding everything loosely – what I prompt you to give won’t feel like a loss because of the magnitude of blessings on their way down the pipeline for you and for you to generously share.

Matthew 10:8 (NIV) …Freely you have received; freely give.

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