Rest in the Knowledge You are Mine

Isaiah 43:1 (TLB) But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.

Beloved, can you hear Me calling you? Your name on My lips – sweet as honey and precious to Me. You are Mine. I have called you My own. I have ransomed you. The price has already been paid. Let your heart rejoice in the grace extended to you. Revel in it, beloved, for My mercy is a gift – an extension of My great love for you.

My perfect love leaves no room for fear. When you truly know Me, you know I fiercely love My children and jealously guard them. I stay close in times of trouble, and comfort in times of mourning. I will never leave you. I created you for My pleasure, beloved, and you do please Me. Rest in the knowledge you are Mine.

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