Lift Your Voice in Song

Colossians 3:16 (VOICE) Let the word of the Anointed One richly inhabit your lives. With all wisdom teach, counsel, and instruct one another. Sing the psalms, compose hymns and songs inspired by the Spirit, and keep on singing—sing to God from hearts full and spilling over with thankfulness.

Beloved, lift your voice in song. I AM worthy of your praise, worthy of your affection. Release a sound. Give voice to the overflow of your heart. Let My word pour forth from your lips. Make My heart known. Release it into the atmosphere on the wings of joy. Breath life. Prophesy.

You are created in My image and I AM the Creator, I spoke life into existence – the sound of My voice reverberating through heaven and earth. Do likewise. Lift your voice. Don’t hesitate. Refuse to allow timidity, lack of perfection, or performance anxiety to hinder you from breaking forth. I have put song in your heart, release it, beloved.

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