Sole Priority

2 Samuel 6:14 (CJB) Then David danced and spun around with abandon before Adonai, wearing a linen ritual vest.

Beloved, refuse to let the thoughts and opinions of others cause you to stifle your words and actions. Allow the overflow of your heart to pour forth in unabashed praise. Move past simply “working through it” to a place where those thoughts and opinions no longer matter and you’re not even aware of them anymore.

Be radical for Me. Be completely sold out for Me. Make Me the center of your world. Be abandoned in your praise and intensely persistent in your pursuit. Be relentless. Don’t hold back. Be “even more undignified than this.” Focus on pleasing Me alone. Make that your sole priority.

2 Samuel 6:21-22 (GW) David answered Michal, “I didn’t dance in front of the slave girls but in front of the Lord. He chose me rather than your father or anyone in your father’s house, and he appointed me leader of Israel, the Lord’s people. I will celebrate in the Lord’s presence, and I will degrade myself even more than this. Even if I am humiliated in your eyes, I will be honored by these slave girls you speak about.”

2 Replies to “Sole Priority”

  1. Thank you, this was very timely and encouraging! So, on point. I love the connection you made here between being concerned with pleasing God only and how David became “undignified” before the God. Love you!

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