Vast Blessings

Romans 4:20-21 (TPT) …because he was mighty in faith and convinced that God had all the power needed to fulfill his promises, Abraham glorified God!

Beloved, will you allow Me to be glorified through you? Will you expand your faith and stand fast in My promises? I will not love you any less if you are unable, but know that the beauty of My glory shining through your trusting heart speaks volumes about who I AM without uttering a word.

Will you take Me at My word? Will you allow My promises to stir hope in your heart? Will you remain steadfast in your hope even when My promises seem to tarry or when circumstances look bleak? I AM worthy of your trust, beloved. Stir up your faith! Look to the stars and remind yourself My blessings are vast and far more reaching than you will ever be able to know. Refuse to allow your blessings to be stolen through doubt and unbelief. Take Me at My word and refuse to be moved for I AM God.

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