{my heart cries} I will seek You, God. I choose You. Regardless of circumstance. Regardless of the cost. I choose You because You are worth it all. You are so good and Your love exceeds my understanding.
{He responds} I will meet you, beloved. As you step out in faith, placing all your trust in Me, I will meet you there. I AM faithful and My heart for you is true. Rest in Me.
{feeling His hand extended toward me, I look at it – so large, plenty big to handle anything that might come against me or give me cause for concern – and I place my hand in His. I feel Him gently pull me along side Him and the closer I get I feel lighter and lighter until I am weightless by His side. Aligned with Him. Trusting in Him. Yielded to His lead. Resting in His loving care of me.}
1 Peter 5:7 (VOICE) Since God cares for you, let Him carry all your burdens and worries.