Trust That I AM Bigger

John 15:14 (MSG) You are my friends when you do the things I command you.

Beloved, be obedient to My voice. Regardless of your maturity or lack thereof, I can work with whatever you’ll give Me as you yield to My direction and follow My flow to the best of your ability trusting Me to make up the difference.

There will be times you don’t understand, and times you think I have “missed it” because you mistakenly thought you knew where I was headed – all that is fine and even expected – but refuse to allow it to harden your heart towards Me.

Trust Me to lead. Trust that you don’t need all the details to successfully execute My plans for you. Simply be open to the next step, and the next – on and on until suddenly you realize you know Me better than you thought because you’ve yielded and watched Me move, seen Me follow through, seen Me be faithful, and even seen Me have surprising and unexpected solutions.

Trust that I AM bigger than your failings, bigger than any human shortsightedness or insecurities, imperfections, or presumptions. I AM enough, rest in Me.

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