Exodus 17:15 (NLT) Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi (which means “the Lord is my banner”).
Beloved, I AM your banner, your miracle, your declaration of victory. Lift Me high. Exalt Me and lift your hands in holy reverence for I AM worthy of your praise. I AM a sign and a symbol to any who would look that you have been set free. You have overcome.
In honor of Me, lift your hands. In honor of Me, raise high your symbol of victory. Your unabashed faith in who I AM and willingness to hold nothing back are powerful messages in the spiritual realm. You declare Me faithful – your very actions announcing to any with ears to hear that I AM God and I AM worthy of your devotion. Praise Me for I AM good.
[We recorded this nugget live (8 min and 47 second in) on our Dyed4you Ministries facebook page, this Lunchtime Live was about flag ministry, the name of God YHVH Nissi (the Lord My Banner), our Why We Flag quick reference card, and ministry time. Since it’s a long video, I did a post on our Dyed4you blog – How-to Minister with Flags and About Flag Ministry – that includes a breakdown of which topics I hit where within the video.]
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