Numbers 20:12 (AMP) But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you have not believed (trusted) Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, you therefore shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”
Beloved, it is not enough to say you trust Me. When you insist you understand each thing I ask of you, you demonstrate your lack of trust. When you do things how we’ve done before rather than how I’ve instructed for this time, you show a lack of trust. And when you cherry pick which of My instructions you will adhere to, you communicate loudly that you trust yourself more and place your own judgment above My own. Conditional trust is not trust.
Beloved, check your actions to be certain they align with what you desire to communicate. Because habitually choosing your own judgment over Mine not only tells Me you don’t trust Me (as well as communicating that clearly to those around you), but it also demonstrates that you do not love Me as you say you do. Love trusts. Love obeys. Love listens.
So be mindful what you’re actions are communicating, be certain they align with what you’re hoping to express. And in the moments they fall short, repent and adjust your behavior accordingly. Give true love to Me remembering I first loved you.
Numbers 20:8-12 (VOICE bold emphasis added) Eternal One: You and Aaron grab the staff before the covenant chest, gather the whole group so that all the people can see and hear you, and speak to the rock. Tell it to release its water for them to use. In this way, you’ll get water from the rock for everyone to drink, including all the animals. So Moses did that. He took the staff just as God told him to do. Then he and his brother gathered all the people in front of the rock. Moses (to the Israelites): Listen up, you rebellious lot. Should we get water for you from this rock? And as he spoke, Moses raised his hand and hit the rock—once, twice—and immediately the water came gushing out. All drank their fill, people and animals alike. But the Eternal One scolded Moses and Aaron for their actions. Eternal One: Because you didn’t trust Me and treat Me as holy before the Israelites, you will not lead this group into the land I have given them.
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