Coming Promises

Ruth 3:1,5 (AMP) Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to Ruth, “My daughter, shall I not look for security and a home for you, so that it may be well with you? Ruth answered her, “I will do everything that you say.”

Beloved, I see the promises I have set before you, and I know each step you must take to walk in the fullness of them. Trust Me to lead. Yield completely to My plan. You don’t have to agree or understand, you simply have to obey.

This is a matter of trust, which is a matter of faith. Will you wait when I say wait, and act when I say act? Will you trust that I have not forgotten you even when the wait seems long? Will you rest in the knowledge that My timing is perfect and My plans for you are good?

Know that I AM God. Be content with every part of the journey. As you wait in expectation for the promises ahead, be mindful not to slip into impatience, frustration, or resentment. I do not toy with My children. Even the time of waiting is fruitful, so embrace it and wait with joy for the coming promises.

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