Stay in the Light

Luke 8:17 (VOICE) Hidden things will always come out into the open. Secret things will come to light and be exposed.

Beloved, I AM not blind, nor do I hide My eyes from the things done in darkness. I AM the bringer of light because I AM light. I AM the revealer of mysteries and I expose the acts of wickedness and deception. I see and understand every motivation of every heart, and I shed light and bring truth that all will see and know and that every excuse is brought to naught.

For I AM holy, and I will not be mocked. Wickedness begets wickedness, and righteousness is born of truth. So hold fast to the truth and stay in the light. Walk rightly. My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow. Trust that I will bring forth truth, and fix your gaze on Me.

[Lunchtime Live: Special Guest Allen Williams (my husband). Mixing things up a bit this week because hubby happened to be home so he joined me (yay!).  Show and tell was a Dyed4you Art flag of our Listen to the Sound piece. The Prophetic Nugget this week is this one. Ministering with Strength in Obedience and wearing a narrow infinity scarf called Beauty from Ashes. Allen shared about being called to flag including the impact of a visit from Caleb Brundidge when he came to visit our outreach team (the outreach pastor later became the pastor of the church where we are now), and I mentioned Command the Atmosphere (a Dyed4you Art piece Allen is in). Background music is from Music to Pray By. ]

This is the art piece I mentioned that looks like the Strength in Obedience flag. Uncanny isn’t it? If you know who the artist is for this piece, let us know!

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