Key to the Kingdom: Receive Correction

Psalm 141:5 (AMP) Let the righteous [thoughtfully] strike (correct) me—it is a kindness [done to encourage my spiritual maturity]. It is [the choicest anointing] oil on the head; Let my head not refuse [to accept and acknowledge and learn from] it; For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

Beloved, I chasten those I love. Those who are humble and wise will receive it without complaint knowing it ultimately is given for their benefit. My sheep know My voice, beloved, so if correction comes without My breath on it or if you simply aren’t sure, ask Me and I will lovingly make My will known. I break down to build up. I wound that I might heal. I will not tear you down and abandon you or leave you hopeless. None who seek me are beyond My reach. 

So willingly – even joyously – seek that which will grow and strengthen you. Godly correction not only shifts things into place, but it builds good character, so embrace it without fear or hesitation. It is not an indication that you are hopeless or worthless, but rather that you are loved and you are Mine. 

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