Key to the Kingdom: Reflect Me in Unhindered Glory

Colossians 2:10 (VOICE) You, too, are being completed in Him, the One who has dominion over all rule, all authority.

Beloved, remember the One you serve. I AM sovereign. I AM not some powerless, man-crafted idol. I AM the Creator of heaven and earth, the great I AM, the Commander of the hosts of heaven. Those who see Me tremble in awe. And you are on My side, and guided by My hand – acting on My behalf. This is no light calling. It is a weighty responsibility, but one for which you’ve been prepared. 

So shine, beloved. Be you without restraint. Allow the embodiment of all I’ve placed within you to radiate forth as you reflect Me in unhindered glory that those who see you might know Me. Let nothing dim your blaze, for simply to shine uncompromised and unashamed is more fearsome warfare than you can imagine – it is a key to the Kingdom. 

Lunchtime Live: Identity Rooted in Truth

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