James 1:17 (TPT) Every gift God freely gives us is good and perfect, streaming down from the Father of lights, who shines from the heavens with no hidden shadow or darkness and is never subject to change.
My children, there is a day that comes when I call each of you to put away the ways of childhood and to step into full maturity and your inheritance as sons of God. As My sons, I have provided the finest robes for you—My very own robes. Light is My garment and so, you too will be arrayed in the light of My glory, My very nature. Clothed as My royal heirs, walk the land as My Firstborn Son walked. Shine as the light of the world, and utterly drive out the darkness that is before you.
Every earthly father is called to pour all that he is and all that he knows into his children so that they will be equipped to build upon his legacy. Although I exist without limits, as your Heavenly Father I do no less for My children. I pour out My Spirit—as much of Myself as you are willing to contain—that you may be fully equipped to be about My business in the earth. I withhold no good gift from My children, therefore, I offer you the very best of who I Am. Simply, ask, beloved, ask.
Each day that you arise, just as you would clothe yourself in earthly garments, be intentional and seek revelation for how I have clothed you by My Spirit. Ask Me to equip you for the days ahead. As you encounter obstacles, ask Me for exactly what you need. By constantly asking, you will draw upon the multi-faceted anointing of the Holy Spirit which abides in you. The more frequently you ask with a heart to receive, the stronger and more natural the anointing will flow through you. Allow Me to refine and purify your faith so that the flow will be unhindered and untainted. As you draw upon My Spirit, you will walk as children of the day, able to see by the Light of My Spirit and fully able to navigate any situation that comes your way. Joyfully draw upon your inheritance, My children, and let the fullness of Christ be revealed in you.
Romans 8:19 (VOICE) For all of creation is waiting, yearning for the time when the children of God will be revealed.
[Draw Upon Your Inheritance originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]
This word is part of the Dyed4you Art piece Rightful Place