Hebrews 12:28-29 (NKJV) Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.
Beloved, remember there is no fear in love for perfect love casts out fear. You have had encounters with My heart, brushes with My Presence, and you have known times of sweet unity as My Spirit has poured through you like water. Yes, My love is overwhelming—both refreshing, living waters and an all-consuming fire. And that love for you never changes in its intensity. It is only the fear of losing yourself and being changed as you are swept away by My love that causes you to hold back and causes you to hesitate in reciprocating My love in kind.
There will always be more, precious—so much more. Therefore, walking with Me will always require some measure of moving beyond your comfort zone and resisting the fear of change. The fires of My zeal for you burn hotly, so there is loss as all the dross burns away. I care for you too deeply to allow any hinderance to prevent you from being the flawless beauty that I created you to be. I am ever challenging you to change in order to gain the fullness of My anointing and the fullness of My abundant, eternal life.
Upon the cross, I poured out all and held nothing back, beloved. I looked upon you and deemed that you were worth the risk of giving all My love. Will you walk in the same sacrificial love? Will you be bold and courageous, pursuing the depths of My heart and holding nothing back from Me? Resist the urge to try to protect yourself or hide, for your heart and your life are safe when you choose Me as your hiding place. Take a leap and let go, allowing your love and your zeal to match My own. When you live from this place, you will not permit anything to exalt itself against the knowledge of Me nor stand against the manifestation of My Kingdom. Bravely walk as a living sacrifice and be consumed by Me.
Romans 12:1 (TPT) Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.
[Be Consumed By Me originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]