Choose Obedience

1 John 5:3 (VOICE) You see, to love God means that we keep His commands, and His commands don’t weigh us down.

Beloved, choose to walk in obedience not because you fear punishment, but rather because your love for Me is so great and your honor for Me goes so deep you’d never want to choose differently. You want to choose My blessings – the ones that come by obedience. Just as a good earthly father rewards good behavior, so do I. But even so, resist the urge to obey simply for My rewards. 

Instead just love Me so much that you want to obey My instructions with a joyous heart to demonstrate your love for Me. You know if I’ve said it, it must be important – even if you don’t understand. Choose obedience above understanding. Beloved, obeying My Word is not a burden, it is where true joy and blessing are found.

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