Be Bold in the Holy Spirit

Acts 4:13 (TPT) The council members were astonished as they witnessed the bold courage of Peter and John, especially when they discovered that they were just ordinary men who had never had religious training. Then they began to understand the effect Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him.

Beloved, boldness doesn’t have to come from training or education. Boldness can come from firm and unwavering belief. True faith doesn’t come from unquestionable physical evidence, for where would faith be in simple fact? To exercise faith is to be confident in what is understood through less tangible means. 

So rather than waiting for irrefutable evidence or certain levels of education, instead allow yourself to be bold in the Holy Spirit. Allow Me to lead and direct you – often in ways you’d never expect, and see how I move in and through you for My glory. That, beloved, is true faith – being wholly yielded to Me.

Lunchtime Live: Boldly Be You

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