I have been dwelling on identity lately and what that looks like as a child of God. I have been contemplating the passage about Mary sitting at Jesus feet listening to Him and receiving Him. It is a reminder that a Christ like life isn’t always about pouring out. It’s about sitting at His feet, being wrapped in His comfort, in His care. Receiving His tender mercies as a healing balm. Resting in His presence after a hard fought battle that doesn’t always look victorious. Dwelling in His love and knowing He cares no matter what the circumstances look like. Sitting in His truth and being overwhelmed by it, allowing it to wash away all the mud and dross. Being filled up, ready to dance again.
A child of God is truly being like a child and sitting with Abba Father. Let Him nurture you, heal you, discipline you and speak overwhelming words of love and truth over you. Let Him hold you and comfort you and speak life into You. Let yourself be with Him and watch Him do amazing things for you.