Yielding to the Flow

John 3:8 (TPT) For the Spirit-wind blows as it chooses. You can hear its sound, but you don’t know where it came from or where it’s going. So it is within the hearts of those who are Spirit-born!”

Once I was in a prayer circle and the Father gave me an interesting vision about how the wind of His Spirit desires to move in the Body of Christ. As we stood praying, I saw a field of wheat and saw the Spirit-wind blowing through the stalks. As much as I saw it, I also sensed each one of us in that prayer circle was a stalk of wheat. In the natural, I sensed a slight resistance to the movement of the Spirit-wind, individually and corporately. The wind was blowing gently, and yet the Father reflected that our resistance in the flesh stemmed from fear. 

What direction would the wind blow? Would the wind always be gentle or would it blow strongly? What if the wind blew so hard that it ripped us from the ground? And if it did… where would the wind take us? The wind could not be controlled, and, therefore, we were quite at its mercy. I sensed the Father’s desire that we would do precisely what I saw the wheat doing in the Spirit: He was calling us to be flexible and let the Spirit-wind move in whatever way He chose. If we were going to see a mighty move of God’s Spirit, it was clear that we would have to let go and trust Him.

As I have meditated on the nature of the Spirit-wind, I have also reflected on my personal journey with God. He has strategically broken natural and religious mindsets that have bound me and that, as a result, have restricted the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life. With each breakthrough, there has been freedom to live and move and have my being in Him. Yielding to the flow of the Spirit-wind has been what I call “scary-good;” it has been like a wild rollercoaster ride that reminds me that I am quite alive and unlimited in Christ. How the Spirit moves me doesn’t always make sense to the natural mind, but it surely demonstrates the wisdom, power, and goodness of God.

If we desire to see God move in our homes, churches, cities, and nations, we must yield and give Him the freedom to move as He desires. Yes, He will certainly take us outside of our comfort zones and break the boxes we try to place Him in. And this is good because none of us can really perceive all that God has in store for us. Yet in the Spirit, there is surely a promise of boundless joy as the will of God and the Kingdom of Heaven is released upon the earth!

[Yielding to the Flow originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

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