I Am with You

I have said I go with you, before you and am your rear guard. What or who should you fear?  No one or no thing. For I am always with you,  I do not leave you and I never will. I know others have hurt you and left but I Am and I do not turn away from my children. I gave you the Authority, same one Jesus had while walking on this Earth. Do not allow any fear or intimidation to come over you!  You are mine child and I stand by you and I fight for you.  I will protect my own as a natural parent protects their own child and even in nature animals protect their own.  Why do you not think that I will protect you any less than animals or humans, I will shield you.  

Walk together with me and together we can do ALL things. Walk in who you are in Me!  Know your place inside of Me and in My Kingdom. True strength comes in the knowing; knowing who is with you and in you. 

(You say I’m not strong enough to fight) I say you have already been through preparation. Each thing in your life as go through the journey and you draw closer to who you are in Me has prepared you for this time. Sometimes all I ask of you is just to stand and see what I will do as you trust in Me.  Other times I may say pick up your sword and fight . Draw from my never ending strength. 

As I was with Moses and the Israelites crossing the Red Sea , I am with you. As Daniel in the lion’s den, I am with You.  As David went to battle with Goliath, I am with you. I Am – encompasses all that was in the beginning and all that will ever be.  I Am with You. 

Joshua 1:9 (AMP) Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

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