A powerful love that cuts through the darkness. Nothing can stand against it. Our God reigns in our hearts and minds. No thought, mindset, disease or curse can stand against the weapon of God’s love. His spirit of Truth will demolish every stronghold. He will not let anything stand against His authority, His power, His kingdom’s reign. We are commissioned to stand with Him, arrayed in His power and authority to dispatch all darkness and bring His great light.
Do not falter Beloved. Do not delay. My coming is swift and sure. I will not delay. I do not deceive. I am with you, mighty in battle, in the thick of the fray. I do not delay nor do I hurry to do another’s bidding. My timing is My own. I know what you need. Do not worry or fret. Stand in My peace. Array yourself in My righteousness and truth. Dwell in the knowledge of My saving power. Do not be deceived nor be dismayed. I come. I Am here. I Am the Deliverer. I shelter you and cover you in the storm. I am with you Beloved. Stand with Me and join Me in what I do.
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