Jeremiah 33:3 (AMP) ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’
For several years, I have been learning how important it is for us to ask questions in our daily walk with God. Persistently inquiring of God about Scripture, its mysteries, or my prophetic encounters with Him has been like a key that opens the double doors of revelation. While God desires that His children would inquire of Him so that we will learn more, we may not realize that the release of His Kingdom is actually dependent upon it.
One night, during a church worship service, in the Spirit I saw a lock hovering in the sanctuary, over the platform of the worship team. The Lord told me to use my key. I knew from a similar experience in the past that my key was to “ask, seek, and knock.” Specifically, I felt the Spirit prompting me to ask Him for more revelation regarding the anointing of the Seven Spirits of God that had been coming up on my spiritual radar for the last few years. So, I asked Him for more revelation about it, though I knew this would be the beginning of a process. Instantly, I saw the lock open and a flood of rainbow paint flowed out. In my prophetic language, paint can represent anointing.
A few minutes later, the Father brought to mind the story of the Azuza Street revival. I remembered that the revival began because a small group of people were personally seeking God for the manifestation of His Kingdom. In fact, I remembered seeing a similar theme in other stories about revival. These individuals were asking questions; they wanted to know why the Church wasn’t flowing in certain manifestations of the Spirit as it did in the First Century. They weren’t pressing in because they were expecting a large revival or wanting to grow a church—they personally weren’t content with the state of the Church as is and the answers they had been given about it. Yet because a small group of pioneers in the Spirit were brave enough to seek God for more, the release of the Kingdom of Heaven to them eventually led to the Azuza Street Revival. The questions this one small group had impacted millions of lives and the Church as we know it today.
That night, God widened the scope of His lesson to me about “asking, seeking, and knocking.” I realized that whether or not the Kingdom comes to earth and how much of it we experience is entirely up to us! We are gatekeepers on the earth, poised to open the door to the King of Glory into our homes, cities, and nations. The release of the Kingdom comes from our fervent pioneering prayers and inquiries, and by having hearts that will not rest until Heaven answers with a heavy rain of God’s Spirit.
Matthew 16:19 (TPT) I will give you the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm to forbid on earth that which is forbidden in heaven, and to release on earth that which is released in heaven.”
[The Key is to Ask originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]