Proverbs 18:10 (AMP) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs to it and is safe and set on high [far above evil].
Occasionally, there can be times of spiritual warfare where fear and anxiety can plague a believer; keeping the enemy at bay often requires persistence and a commitment to having the mind of Christ. I remember in one particular season, the battle was even more difficult because I could not always stop in the middle of what I was doing to pray, discern, and address every fear and shift my thought life. One night, I went to bed physically exhausted—both from a long day of work and the nagging grip of anxiety that had plagued me all day. Yet in my exhaustion, I found myself wielding a powerful weapon against that anxiety—the Name of the Lord.
As I lay in bed, one fear after another was thrown at me. As each matter came up, I found myself spontaneously answering with one of the names of the Lord; this wasn’t premeditated or intentional on my part but inspired by the Spirit. If finances were a concern, then YHVH Jireh would provide. For every part of my body that was hurting and tempting me to fear sickness and disease, YHVH Rapha had the power to heal it. For every situation that seemed difficult to navigate, YHVH Ori would light my path and YHVH Rohi would shepherd and guide my every step. And even though I didn’t know how long this season of warfare would last against fear and anxiety, it truly didn’t matter; the battle had already been won by YHVH Tzva’ot, the Lord of Hosts.
As each name came to mind, I could see each matter bowing to the sovereignty of my God! I wasn’t singing or shouting or rebuking the enemy, but simply delighting in the powerful names of my God. I had confidence that His power completely trumped the enemy’s power. And my soul was filled with joy to see, in a new way, how God completely covered every need I had. Ultimately, it was YHVH Shalom that lulled me into a place of deep peace and rest; I had run to Him and was safe from all evil.
Truly, this is the reason why we call upon the name of the Lord. By coming into agreement with who YHVH is, we resist agreeing with the voice of fear and handing our power and authority over to the enemy. Our focus shifts to Him who is seated upon the throne that is above every throne. We are praising and boasting in our God, and choosing to name Him as the answer to every problem. And truly He is the answer to our every problem. Our God is just that big!
[The Name of the Lord originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]