When you yield yourself to be My vessel, it ministers not only to the one you pour out to, but to you as well. So pour out from your overflow with generosity and wisdom. Trust My direction on when to speak and when to be silent. Resist the urge to defend that which I have given you to say, instead allowing My words to stand on their own. For I will not beg for someone to believe Me, nor will I pressure them to take action on My counsel.
Each person has the right and ability to choose. So just as you choose to pour out that which you’ve received from Me, so they can choose to hear it or not, and act on it or not. But, beloved, pray that they – like you – will choose wisely. For blessing comes with obedience. Not as a bribe for choosing well, but simply as cause and effect.
Those who walk with Me are blessed – though I do not speak of blessings in the human way of understanding, but rather of wholeness and oneness, of peace and joy, and of love and contentment. So pour out as I have poured in and walk in the fullness of the blessings I have for you.
Proverbs 18:20 (TPT) Sharing words of wisdom is satisfying to your inner being. It encourages you to know that you’ve changed someone else’s life.
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