John 5:19 (VOICE) Jesus: The truth is that the Son does nothing on His own; all these actions are led by the Father. The Son watches the Father closely and then mimics the work of the Father.
My child, you are one that faithfully follows in My footsteps. As a child who delights in mimicking the actions of their father, you have also delighted in closely watching and keeping My ways. It fills My heart with such joy to see that you love the things that I love and have matured into My image and likeness as a result. You dwell in childlike faith, trust, and innocence, so much so that you often do not see just how much of Me there is in you. In you, child, I am well pleased.
You have come to a new level, the day of your inheritance. Today, I am calling you to transition into a new role and the fullness of your anointing. Receive the mantle and blessing of the firstborn, recognizing that the Spirit imparted to you is the same that dwelled within My Messiah, My firstborn son. Just as He ministered to the newborn and babes in the faith, I call you to do the same. As you reach out to nurture the young, My Spirit will bring to remembrance the early days of your faith. The Spirit will show you how to reflect My patience and mercy. You will have the wisdom to bring correction that is balanced with the fruit of gentleness. You will teach others what I have taught you, and you will impart the same comfort that I have imparted to you. Even more, you will set many hearts aflame by sharing the same passionate love for My Word as I have shared it with you.
Firstborn children do as their parents do and their behavior is a model for the younger members of the house to follow. So it is the same in My household. While I am making you aware of the greater responsibility that now rests upon your shoulders, never forget that your Father always walks with you. Continue to hold my hand and operate in that childlike faith, trust, and innocence. Shine with the humility and a teachable heart that pleases Me so. There is no burden on you to lead or make anything happen. As you continue to abide in My Presence, an atmosphere of miracles and My glorious power will surround you and demonstrate to the world that you are my very own.
[ “Mantle of the Firstborn” originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]