Life on the Potter’s Wheel

Recently, one evening, I felt the urge to spend time with the Father. I spoke, Come, Lord Jesus! Come, Spirit of the Lord, fall on me and fill me with Your glory!” Soon, I saw a vision of a potter’s hands working on a clay vessel that was spinning on his wheel. I heard the words, “Released into the Potter’s hands.”

I pressed into this vision asking the Father what this meant. Did it mean that one was being brought over and placed in the Potter’s hand or on His wheel? In response, I heard, “Remolding, reshaping one’s mindset.”

Next, I began to see puzzle pieces being placed upon the clay vessel, and I sensed it was the Father who was the Potter. He was molding, incorporating, and pressing parts of Himself onto the vessel as He was making it. He was bringing the vessel into alignment and bringing it into oneness with Him. I then saw that the puzzle pieces being added looked like Light. They were being placed all over the clay vessel, which caused it to have a bright glow. 

I sensed the Father imparting (transfusing and infusing) more of Himself into the vessel. He was integrating His character by the working of His hands as the Light shined from without and within the clay vessel.

The scripture Isaiah 60:1 soon came to mind: (AMP) Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept yourise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light had come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!

When we live our lives upon the Potter’s wheel, His hands tenderly shape us, molding us into a product of His amazing grace. And as the wheel spins, the Potter grins for the masterpiece He is creating fills Him with such delight. His loving gentle touch can make us quickly forget where pressure is applied. The most that we can do in the process is to be patient and rely on Him. Whatever He’s doing and whenever it’s done, from the Potter’s wheel and for the process to be complete, we can know that He will reveal His beauty in us. 

Reflecting on my own journey, I think of my healing and deliverance. I remember the in-between time where I was in a process of discovering more of the Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and spiritual things. I felt such a longing to be closer to the Lord. At that time, He began growing me in the prophetic. But I believe after a while, I was also in a time of preparation for another season that was ahead. That following season was a time spent on the Potter’s wheel, where He molded me to have a patient heart, one that is kind and loving amidst pain and the unexpected. 

As I now face new trials, my life indeed seems to be on the wheel again. Daily, I am learning the lessons of patience in waiting, showing kindness and meekness as I choose God’s way over mine, and being an example of His Love. My desire is that He may be seen as I go “through” the process and these present circumstances. And I can’t leave out… I desire to have a heart of gratitude and praise to my Lord all the way through!

As I sense this truth for myself, our time on the Potter’s wheel is meant to prepare us for the “new” that is ahead in our lives. And that “new” requires that we are molded even more into His likeness.

2 Corinthians 4:6 (AMP) For God Who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as [to beam forth] the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God [as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ (the Messiah).

by Elisha Freeman

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