This is a series of Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of eight Prophetic Nuggets based on Psalm 18:12-19 (TPT):
Suddenly the brilliance of his presence broke through with lightning bolts and with a mighty storm from heaven— like a tempest dropping coals of fire. The Lord thundered, the great God above every god spoke with his thunder-voice from the skies. What fearsome hailstones and flashes of fire were before him! He released his lightning-arrows, and routed my foes. See how they ran and scattered in fear! Then with his mighty roar he laid bare the foundations of the earth, uncovering the secret source of the sea. The hidden depths of land and sea were exposed by the hurricane-blast of his hot breath. He then reached down from heaven, all the way from the sky to the sea. He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair! Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me. When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me. His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me!
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “I Wield My Power with Wisdom.”
Psalm 18:12 (TPT) Suddenly the brilliance of his presence broke through with lightning bolts and with a mighty storm from heaven— like a tempest dropping coals of fire.
Beloved, I AM able to bring dramatic and instantaneous breakthrough. In the same way that lightning rapidly and powerfully strikes – bringing immediate change and intensity, so I AM able to move quickly and with extreme power.
Trust Me to wield that power with wisdom. Simply because I do not move in your timing doesn’t mean I’m unable to do so. It just means My plans are different than yours. Beloved, choose to trust My plans. Breakthrough will come in My perfect timing. Trust Me.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “The Power of My Voice.”
Psalm 18:13 (TPT) The Lord thundered, the great God above every god spoke with his thunder-voice from the skies. What fearsome hailstones and flashes of fire were before him!
Beloved, refuse to underestimate the power of My voice. I spoke creation into being. A word from Me causes mountains to tumble and seas to become dry land. If I can move heaven and earth by the words from My lips, why do you question My ability to shift things for you?
No circumstance you find yourself in is too much for Me to resolve. No addiction you’re facing is more powerful than I AM. No heart wound is too deep, no relationship too fractured – nothing is too much for Me to walk you through. So trust Me, and simply listen for My voice – then wait for things to shift. Behold, I AM God.
The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Look to Me for Breakthrough.”
Psalm 18:14 (TPT) He released his lightning-arrows, and routed my foes. See how they ran and scattered in fear!
Beloved, at the snap of My fingers everything changes. Breakthrough doesn’t have to be long and arduous, it can happen in a moment. Why do you think the enemy trembles at My name?
Remember that breakthrough often manifests in the heavenlies before you see it with your natural senses. So trust and rejoice, knowing I AM God of the breakthrough. The breaker anointing is of My Spirit, so look to Me for breakthrough.
The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “El Perazim (God of Breakthrough).”
Psalm 18:15 (TPT) Then with his mighty roar he laid bare the foundations of the earth, uncovering the secret source of the sea. The hidden depths of land and sea were exposed by the hurricane-blast of his hot breath.
Beloved, no root is buried so deeply I can’t find it, for nothing is hidden from My eyes. I bring the things in darkness into the light. I divide right and wrong with the truth of My Word. I part the seas with My breath. And beloved, I bring change for you in the exact moment it’s needed.
When you yield your heart to Me, I will not allow the wounds therein to fester. But like waters bursting through a dam, I will wash away the pain and the hurt with the torrent of My love. I refuse to be restrained or held back. I AM the God that breaks through – El Perazim (God of Breakthrough).
The fifth Prophetic Nugget is called “Reach for Me.”
Psalm 18:16 (TPT) He then reached down from heaven, all the way from the sky to the sea. He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair!
Beloved, in moments of desperation or despair, reach for Me and you will find Me already reaching for you. So grab hold, and refuse to let go. Trust Me to be your safe place of refuge. I AM YHVH Misgab – the Lord your strong tower, and YHVH Manowc – the Lord your refuge.
Put your trust in Me, for I AM mighty to save and no one is beyond My reach. So grab hold, for I AM YHVH Ezer – the Lord your help, and Elohim Yakol – God most able. Look to Me as I move in breakthrough, and then give glory for I AM King.
The sixth Prophetic Nugget is called “I AM More Than Enough.”
Psalm 18:17 (TPT) Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me.
Beloved, resist the urge to be strong in your own abilities. Instead rest on Me, rest in My strength, and rest in the strength that comes from Me. I can walk you through the most difficult situations with grace, so if you aren’t feeling grace, press in to Me.
I AM more than enough. No enemy is too strong, no situation is too complicated, no challenge is too great. I AM El Gibbor – Mighty God, and I AM all you need.
The seventh Prophetic Nugget is called “Hide Beneath the Shadow of My Wing.”
Psalm 18:18 (TPT) When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me.
Beloved, when you give yourself to Me, I hold you fast and don’t let go. Resist the urge to presume if I haven’t moved in the way you desire that I’m unable or unwilling. Instead trust Me, and look to see where My hand is at work, for it surely is.
I AM a good father, and fiercely protective of My children. My love for you is so great that it cannot be measured. It cannot even be fathomed. So do you think I’d turn a blind eye to your circumstances, or a deaf ear to your cries? Surely not. Hold tight, beloved, and hide beneath the shadow of My wing.
The eighth Prophetic Nugget is called “Burst Forth into Your Open Place.”
Psalm 18:19 (TPT) His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me!
Beloved, healing and restoration are found in Me. Allow My love to break the yokes of bondage, and be set free. Like a calf released from the stall and let out to pasture, burst forth into your open place (Malach 4:2).
For your land of promise is before you, and I AM at your back. Spread wide your arms, beloved, and receive. For I delight in you. You are the apple of My eye. And My promises to you are steadfast and true.