He stoops down in front me, “I do not see you as a mistake or a failure. I see you as someone who strives every day to be better than you were the day before. But I need you to understand something—that doesn’t mean you are not good enough right now. I don’t love you any less right now. In fact, I don’t think I could love you more than I already do. Trust Me to love you exactly the way you are at this very moment. When I said I wanted all of you, I meant all of you, mess included.”
Abba speaks gently to me, “Who is it that calms the storms and the seas? Who is it that stops the earth from quaking? Is it not I? Who is it that set the stars in the sky? Was it not I who named every single one? Who told the mountains to rise from the earth? Who is it that told the rivers to divide the lands? Is it not I? Who is it that created man, and woman, and all other life? Is it not I? All of creation was brought into existence at the work of My hands, and this includes you, little one.”
Abba stands up and extends His hand to me, “Reach out and take My hand. Allow Me to mend your heart. Allow me to calm the storms raging in your mind. Allow Me to be your Light in dark places. Allow Me to restore your true reflection. All I have to say is, ‘Peace! Be still.’ Trust that I am your peace, your shalom. Trust Me to lead you in the way you should go. Trust Me to help you stand. Trust Me to love you. Trust Me, little one. Trust Me.”