My beloved,
I’m writing you this love letter because it’s important for you to understand My heart. I created you in the secret place. I knit you together. I numbered every hair on your head. I mapped out the journey which would become your life. I know where you’re headed and how long it’s going to take you to get there. I know every detour you will take; some will be Mine and some will be yours. I know every word you will speak and the context of those words. I know every intention, inclination, and temptation you face in your life…every…single…day.
You strive so hard to please Me, and you set up expectations for yourself to serve Me. And when you fail, you become discouraged and ashamed which leads you to hide your face from Me. It grieves My heart. You put too much pressure on yourself, beloved, something I never asked you to do.
What I have asked you to do is seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Me. The rest will fall into place. I smile when I look at you because you ardently want to understand every part of Me, but the weight of all that I AM would be too much for you to bear. There has only been One who has been able to bear that weight.
You need to understand that I love you. No strings attached. No conditions. No kidding. I love you exactly the way you are right now, mess and all. It’s in your heart to approach Me with clean hands and a clean heart. However, if I waited for you to clean yourself up before coming to Me, you would never be ready. Just come to Me as you are. Let me wash you with hyssop and adorn you with clean garments. Let Me apply balm to your wounds and heal your heart. Climb on My lap, and allow Me to wash you in My word.
I know life can be hard, but you don’t have to complete this journey on your own. We will walk it together, hand in hand. All you have to do is trust Me. When you make a mistake, stumble, or fall I will be right there to help you back up and encourage you to keep going. You don’t have to be perfect, you only need to be willing.
My precious one that I hold so dear, I love you. I AM always near, and I hear your cry and see your tears. But I want to see your smile and hear your laughter. You do not have to hide your face from Me, ever. I will not leave you or forsake you, beloved one. Never forget that.
Your Abba
It’s so funny when God uses the very words He gave you to minister to yourself at a later time. He’s so awesome.
So true and yes He is!
Very much needed this confirmation. Thank your for sharing this encouraging word.