This is a series of Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of six Prophetic Nuggets based on 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9 (VOICE):
Come to Him—the living stone—who was rejected by people but accepted by God as chosen and precious. Like living stones, let yourselves be assembled into a spiritual house, a holy order of priests who offer up spiritual sacrifices that will be acceptable to God through Jesus the Anointed. But you are a chosen people, set aside to be a royal order of priests, a holy nation, God’s own; so that you may proclaim the wondrous acts of the One who called you out of inky darkness into shimmering light.
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Steadfast and Life-Giving.”
1 Peter 2:4 (VOICE) Come to Him—the living stone…
Beloved, I AM YHVH Cela – the Lord your Rock, and Chay Elohim – the Living God. Like the water that came forth from the rock in the desert to sustain the lives of the Israelites, so my steadfast life-giving flow sustains you still today.
So come to Me. Dwell with Me. Connect with what I AM doing in the earth, for I AM building the Kingdom. And as you move with Me, you get to be part of something bigger than yourself – something beautiful and holy, something that is glorious. So look to Me, and trust Me to be steadfast and true.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “Chosen and Precious.”
1 Peter 2:4 (VOICE) Come to Him—the living stone—who was rejected by people but accepted by God as chosen and precious.
Beloved, though men may reject My Anointed One, I have not, for we are one. Men’s rejection did not change His value or His call. It did not disqualify Him from operating in His anointing. Nor did it inhibit His connection to Me.
If My Son was rejected by men and is beloved and accepted by Me, then why need you concern yourself over the acceptance or rejection of men? You too are chosen and precious. So embrace that knowledge, and walk in the fullness of all you’ve been called to.
The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Cultivate Harmony.”
1 Peter 2:5 (VOICE) Like living stones, let yourselves be assembled into a spiritual house…
Beloved, you are called to be like Me, life-giving and steadfast – your foundation solid in Me. And just as I embody oneness in My godhead, so you must embody oneness in the Body of Christ. This requires unity. This requires intentionally cultivating harmony.
You are called to be known by your love, and when you walk in that love it creates a safe place for those in need. My Body should be that safe place – their unity should create that spiritual house for people in need of a touch from heaven to gather. So be intentional to cultivate harmony, and reflect Me.
The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “Sweet Spiritual Sacrifices.”
1 Peter 2:5 (VOICE) Like living stones, let yourselves be assembled into a spiritual house, a holy order of priests who offer up spiritual sacrifices that will be acceptable to God through Jesus the Anointed.
Beloved, I know that cultivating harmony comes at a cost. It requires laying down your pride and walking in humility. It means setting aside your agenda and being patient. It means resisting the urge for frustration or anger and instead being long-suffering and kind.
Laying down your fleshly responses in favor of ones that please Me are sacrifices I take note of. They are pleasing to Me. They show your willingness to align with My priorities instead of your own, and that is beautiful to Me. Offerings such as these are sweet spiritual sacrifices, and they are wholly pleasing to Me.
The fifth Prophetic Nugget is called “Be Holy as I AM Holy.”
1 Peter 2:9 (VOICE) But you are a chosen people, set aside to be a royal order of priests, a holy nation, God’s own…
Beloved, I picked you, and I called you My own. You’ve been set apart for My good purpose. Refuse to resent the space between you and those steeped in the world, for if you were united with them you wouldn’t be set apart for Me.
Be holy as I AM holy. Resist the urge to compromise what I’ve called you to. If you want to be part of building My Kingdom, you must yield to My plans. So embrace your set-apartedness, and be ready for more of Me.
The sixth Prophetic Nugget is called “Live a Life of Obedience and Praise.”
1 Peter 2:9 (VOICE) But you are a chosen people, set aside to be a royal order of priests, a holy nation, God’s own; so that you may proclaim the wondrous acts of the One who called you out of inky darkness into shimmering light.
Beloved, all the supernatural, all My fingerprints throughout the earth serve one purpose, to demonstrate who I AM and to bring Me glory. It is not that I’m in need of you pumping up My ego, but rather that all must know – truly know and understand – who I AM that they might choose wisely and align with Me and the way of right.
By your words and actions, demonstrate who your God is and that I AM worthy because I AM God. Live a life of obedience and praise that all may see how I respond as My hand is clearly manifested in your life.
Living Stones 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9. So encouraging to read this series of Prophetic Nuggets today! You can feel the warmth and wisdom of the Lord in these. So grateful to be able to read them and chew on them.