In an earlier post, we shared the letter for a silk called “Steadfast and True.” Today, we’re following up to share an extension of that letter for the painted version of this silk.
Painted Silk: Steadfast and True
Your silk has had a prophetic painting added to it. The detailed meaning behind it is below, but in summary it has been prophetically painted to reflect the Lion of Judah, forever faithful and true. The paint colors on your silk are:
- Metallic turquoise representing witness of the Holy Spirit
- Pearl blue representing deep waters reflecting Him
- Sunset gold representing radiant King
- Metallic gold representing faithful, with no end
- Metallic bronze representing strength and beauty of the Lord
- Burnt orange representing fire for Him
- Brass representing brilliant glory
- Pearl white representing of great worth and value
- Iridescent blue representing order of Melchizedek
- Burgundy representing songs of deliverance
- Metallic rust representing from antiquity
- Black representing shadow of the Almighty
- Jewel colors representing Heaven’s foundation
The scriptures that go with it are:
- 2 Timothy 2:13 (TPT) But even if we are faithless, he will still be full of faith, for he never wavers in his faithfulness to us.
- Proverbs 30:5 (TPT) Every promise from the faithful God is pure and proves to be true. He is a wrap around shield of protection for all his lovers who run to hide in him.
In the painting on your silk, the royally crowned Lion of Judah has intense blue eyes that capture your attention as well as convey his unyielding attentiveness to you. The eyes stand out, gentle, yet strong amongst the back drop of softer golden and orange colors. All pictorial elements point to his eternal kingship, authority and power; the softened painting technique of the mane and the flames represent his eternal heart of love for you. The eyes are both piercing and gentle, a visual reminder of his ability to see into our hearts, our innermost being (the piercing nature of the eyes) yet the gentle aspect conveys His constant, unwavering, never ending love and care for us. The crown bespeaks his royalty and the keys His mission. The mane flows out into flames, representing His fire and burning passion for you.
Reflecting upon this representation of him is meant to reveal His unmistakeable and unshakeable love for you, underscored by His kingship in greatness and power. He stands forever faithful to you and backs that up with His Blood Covenant, paid in full by His Son. He is absolutely Faithful and True, you can trust him 100%.
A Gemstone Reflection entitled “Kingdom Identity and Honor” by Naudia Willbroad is connected to this.
Matthew 5:16 (AMP) “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.”
Luke 20:25 (TPT) Jesus said, “Precisely. The coin bears the image of the Emperor Caesar, and you should give back to Caesar all that belongs to him. But you bear the image of God. So give back to God all that belongs to him.”
2 Corinthians 10:7, 18 (TPT) You seem to always be looking at people by their outward appearances. If someone is confident that he belongs to Christ, he should remind himself of this: we belong to Christ no less than he does. So let’s be clear. To have the Lord’s approval and commendation is of greater value than bragging about oneself.
God has recently been highlighting the words “honor” and “humility” to me. As I did word searches on this in the Bible, He also started highlighting the word “belong.” As I pondered and prayed about how all this worked together He started revealing truth.
We, as children of God, struggle to feel like we belong in this world. The reason for this is we don’t belong in this physical, earthly world. We belong in the Kingdom of God. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we become part of the Kingdom of God but we still live on earth. We continue to be confronted by the lies, manipulations and all out assault from the kingdom of darkness that tries to get us to believe we don’t belong unless we receive honor and accolades from the people around us.
Our struggle is against the identity that the world tries to tell us we need to have. It says that we have to carry a certain image to receive the honor and belonging we need. This can look like the clothing we wear or the possessions we have or the titles we achieve. We start comparing ourselves to others and struggle to see our worth and value unless we receive honor from people. We can become prideful in our own deeds and not honor God with what He has given us. However, this image or identity is false. We already have honor and belonging because we are God’s children.
We carry God’s image within us that declares we belong to Him. Our honor and our identity do not come from outward things. Give those outward things like money, status, and possessions back to this earthly world and stand in the truth that your identity, your belonging and your honor are in Christ Jesus and nothing can take that away from you!
Walk in that truth and live like Jesus did so that men may honor God because of your actions, and not because of your appearance, titles or stuff you had. When you walk in your Kingdom identity you will know who you are and you will have all you need.
A prophetic download from Becky Eddy is connected to this. It’s called “Hesed (Love/Loving-Kindness).”
Hesed is a Hebrew word best translated into English as “loving-kindness.” Loving-kindness is loyalty, kindness, goodness, favor, and mercy – all motivated by deep affection.
A mother bear will instinctively go to great lengths to protect and defend her cubs if she senses danger or harm towards them. She will battle wolves, predators – even a lone male bear to ensure the safety of her young cubs. Familiar with stories of a mother bears commitment to protect her cubs, we have adopted phrases such as “fierce as a mama bear” and “don’t make me go mama bear on you!” These convey our understanding of the resolute protection of an angry mama bear. The Lord created the mama bear to have such overpowering instincts that she would naturally go to heroic lengths to protect her cubs.
Of course a mother bear’s determined and often fierce protection exponentially pales in comparison to God’s hesed love for and faithfulness to us. Yet it is often times easier for us to appreciate the mama bear’s instincts rather than to grasp a deeper understanding of God’s unwavering love and faithfulness toward us. But as we draw the parallel of that fierce and abiding love, we begin to grasp the depth of the Father’s heart of us.
Hesed is also the term for covenantal love. Thus hesed is most certainly the heart of God towards us. Understanding more about hesed awakens us to deeper insight into the heart of God toward us. Hesed is the steadfast love that God has for us; it is the kind of love needed to fulfill and keep covenant. He is above all, Faithful and True. He has pledged himself to us in the unbreakable bond of Blood covenant. His love and faithfulness are airtight and unending. He is the one who fulfills it, for he is able, he initiates, he fulfills, and he maintains the covenant with us, far surpassing man’s ability to keep this airtight covenant.
A prophetic download from Becky Eddy is connected to this. It’s called “Covenantal Love.”
God the Father entered into an eternal covenant with his Son before the creation of the world. God chose blood covenants (the ultimate and final one being Christ’s sacrifice on the cross) as a way he would both relate to us and reveal more of himself to us. God designed the terms of blood covenant to demonstrate his airtight, immovable faithfulness and love toward us. God shares his heart and plan for us to be restored to relationship with him. He is a God who loves to reveal more of himself into our hearts and understanding. He desires for us to know him more closely. He wants us to know him intimately.God desired that we would know him and understand more about his deep and abidinglove for us, gaining insight into just how serious he is about being faithful to us.
Covenants may vary in format, but their essence is the same: A covenant is an intensely loyal relationship bond entered into by two parties, individuals or groups. An interesting point to note is that a blood covenant is an UNBREAKABLE, personal relationship bond, entered into by two parties for life. It covers everyone represented by the two parties as well as all their descendants, including those yet unborn.
The terms of the covenant are constructed and then sealed through a series of steps, including:
- a ceremony with the exchange of gifts
- the exchange of belts and weapons
- the pledging of solemn promises
- oaths
- the shedding and mixing of blood
- an exchange of names
- a covenant meal
- a covenant memorial
- a covenant scar
While each step in the cutting of covenant is important and brimming with meaning, I only want to highlighted two in the context of this word: the exchange of gifts and the exchange of belts and weapons.
In the exchange of gifts, covenant representatives exchanged tunics as a symbol of their now combined goods and assets. This tunic exchange said, in effect, “all I have is yours, I am at your disposal. All you need to do is ask.”
In the exchange of belts and weapons, the covenant representatives exchange their belts and weapons with one another. This signified a pledge of unending loyalty; to fight and protect the other’s interests. In essence, the exchange of belts and weapons said “I will stand with you, even if you are in the wrong. I am here for you. I will hold nothing back to pledge my loyalty to you – even if it means my death!”
All the steps of the covenant, lead to an understanding – a pledging and unshakable commitment to the other party, be it between individuals or groups of people. The parties involved become one entity. Their formerly separate interests and lives are now merged into one. Their destinies, purpose, and common interests are now one. Former enemies are now one.
The covenant entered into is airtight and permanent. The covenant love is for the other party rather than for one’s self. True covenant mentality, in its richest and purest form, is God-given and opens the door for us to understand even more how much God loves us.
NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, I explain on my personal blog in a post called God Speaking Through Silk why I began sharing these on my personal blog. Later, I felt led to share some on the Dyed4you Ministries blog as well. So I share some here and some there (you can find the ones there in the silk words category). To find out more about the words we birth – including how they are created and what is typically included – visit our About Our Silk Letters and Art Words page.