My Beloved,
I know you do not understand what is happening right now or why. It leaves you feeling unsettled. You may even feel as though you have failed. Please know nothing is further from the truth. You have not failed. In fact, you have surpassed My expectations for the duration of this long season.
Through you, I have been able to open the eyes and ears of many of My precious children. They in turn will open the eyes of others. To Me, you have been much like a tiny pebble dropped in a pond, a tiny pebble that created a large ripple effect. Oh, how that makes Me joyful!
That is why I do not want you to worry about your circumstances, and I know you do. I do not want you to worry about tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. I am taking you into a new season, a season of peace and rest in a place where you will receive a fresh anointing, a new mantle, and a renewed relationship with My Holy Spirit.
Time means nothing to me because time answers to Me. Therefore, put away your agenda and your timetable, and allow My Holy Spirit to lead you every day of your life, for every waking moment. I want you to trust me in this and rest in Me.
I know the plans I have for you. I wrote your future long ago. This is not the end. Beloved, this is NOT the end, but the beginning of something greater! I have much work for you to do after your season of rest, but I need you to release what you are trying to hold on to.
You are shouldering a burden that is no longer yours to bear. If you don’t release what you are holding on to, then you will not be able to receive the “new” I have coming your way. The “new” is so much great than anything you could ever think or ask. I promise.
Everything is going according to My plans. Trust Me, beloved. Just let go, and trust Me. I promise you will not be disappointed.
Your Loving Father,
Awe…God just used that piece to minister to myself. LOL!