If you find yourself feeling squeezed and trampled on, it probably means that God is making grape juice, and He is about to give you a new wineskin that can hold that new wine. However, this is not the time to whine.
If you are feeling pressed and crushed, God is probably pressing out new oil for your lamp. Submit to the process. It’s OK to say “Ouch!” a lot in between the shouts of “Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus!”
If you are in a season of letting go of things that may be hindering you from moving into a new season, don’t look at it as a loss. Instead, sow the things you must part with as seeds that can be multiplied back to you in eternal blessings.
Resist the urge to assume that what you are suffering at any given moment is the consequence of sin. While it might be the case, we have an enemy that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. We have a heavenly Father that prunes our lives so that we can bear much fruit that carries an eternal reward.
The only way you can know what is going on is to spend a lot of time talking to God. He can handle your frustration, confusion, and anger. And like any good parent, He has answers ready for all your questions. Yet most of those answers will be found in your Bible, so be sure you have one and something to write on.
Don’t be surprised when you get answers; however, you may be surprised by the answers themselves. God’s ways and God’s wisdom rarely match up with our natural ways or thinking.
Love you all immensely. Keep on keeping on! Onward and upward in Him!