{vision} Fire that looks like a rose dripping oil into another flickering fire below.
The rose of Sharon is bringing the oil of thanksgiving to those who have been restored, healed, forgiven. This oil will stir up the passion for all that God has called them to as children of His kingdom. He has restored the lost and the broken, and the bitter hearts have been made whole. He is calling out to His children to repent and come to Him. He desires our hearts to be filled with Him and His love. He wants to pour out His anointing oil upon us, but we must be prepared to receive it.
Preparation happens through repentance and obedience. He needs us to be open to His word and what He has called us to no matter how crazy it seems. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Don’t rely on human methods. He will bring it about. He will show you the way, the method, the path He wants you to take to bring about the results only He can make happen. It is all for His glory not ours so we need to become less so He can become our all in all.
“Call upon Me and I will answer you. Seek Me and know Me. Seek Me with all your heart, and I will be found by you,” says the Lord Almighty.
Let us rejoice in His name! Let us rejoice! Let us lift up His name. Let us bless His name. May we repent for thinking He is not enough, for believing He was not the provider of all our needs. Let us repent.
Prayer: Lord, I desire to repent of every attitude, belief system, and sin that separates me from You and Your embrace. Reveal to me what is in the depths of my heart that I may repent, be made whole, and go shout Your name from the rooftops! Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!
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