Beloved, I miss you! Life has consumed you to the point where we have very little time together. I know you have not done this deliberately. Sometimes life just happens, and you lose focus. This is not chastisement, beloved; this is a gentle reminder to refocus and reprioritize so our relationship can deepen in intimacy. I’ll say it again—I. Miss. You.
I miss our conversations, and I miss watching you worship and dance before Me. I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want to dance with you, but your time is taken up by responsibilities and burdens that do not belong to you. Will you trust me to empty you of all that is not of Me or from Me, so I have room to fill you with all you have been praying for? If you will, I promise to bring a cleansing and sanctification that will reignite your childlike faith, the source of your strength, which is Me. The closeness of our relationship is key to all you have been dreaming of.
I envision our relationship as two partners dancing a heavenly waltz—two people joined together on a dance floor flowing in time with the music, in perfect synchronization. My job as your Father and dance partner is to keep your feet from slipping and to present you to the world on behalf of My kingdom as a beautiful unblemished bride. This requires your trust and your time.
Like dance partners, we need to set aside time every day with one another to practice so we will always be in unison. We need to develop the same closeness and bond of trust which dance partners share. Remember, beloved, with dance partners, one leads, and one follows. If you will trust Me and follow My lead, you will not misstep. Our time together will create a heavenly waltz that will leave all of heaven mesmerized.