Tune Into His Voice

Listen to the Sound” by Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Art

{vision} Holy Spirit is bringing to mind a graphic I worked on for social media. It was a picture of a man with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face. He was listening. I overlaid the photo of sound waves to represent someone who was listening with their spiritual ears, listening for the frequency of the Father’s heart.

God speaks in so many ways. When we really stop to think about it, His voice is resonating in all of creation. In the beginning, He spoke creation into existence, and every particle conformed to His will. To this day, those particles still resonate with God’s initial commands. 

While the reality is that God’s voice—His Word—is ever-present, sometimes we can feel as though He is silent. I know that as a prophetic person, sometimes I can feel stuck when it seems like God is quiet during a season. When we think God isn’t speaking, it can leave room for doubt and fear. One who is well acquainted with the voice of God learns utter dependence on it. One understands what Moses said in Deuteronomy 8:3 when he said, “man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD,” (NKJV).

Yet I’ve also learned through experience that God is always speaking to us, and Holy Spirit is always leading. Sometimes He’s just not speaking or leading in the ways we are used to receiving (i.e. a vision, a dream, hearing His voice, highlighting a Scripture, etc.) Sometimes, God changes things up a bit to help us keep all our spiritual senses sharp. At other times, we may have a little spiritual static in one area of our connection with Him, so He’ll work to communicate a different way. 

I’ve also noticed that God may speak a single word or phrase to us repeatedly for a season or across multiple seasons. He may say, “rest,” “obey,” “trust,” or simply “I love you.” As I’ve learned, sometimes He’s patiently repeating a word or phrase to us because we’re having trouble receiving it, digesting it. He’s a patient Father who’s teaching us His language, so He repeats Himself until we can understand. 

And because the language of God is deep, one word or concept is richer than we can imagine. God will repeat a word or phrase in order to pour out understanding. He’ll unpack a spiritual feast of revelation in our lives when we’re open to it.

Children of God, resist the urge to think that God is silent in any given season. His Word is all around you and within you. It’s alive and relevant for every moment of your life. His Word brought you into existence and will sustain your being into eternity.

Heavenly Father, please help us to tune into the sound of Your voice, the Living Word that dwells within us. No matter the wounds of the past that have created blocks to our hearing, your Spirit is stronger. Your voice resounds over our soul chatter. I pray for the healing of wounds and for spiritual ears to open. We have been blessed to encounter You. We’ve experienced the frequency of pure love. Please, help us to stay tuned into that frequency no matter the season, situation, or spiritual atmosphere. 

[ “Tune Into His Voice” originally posted on Waiting in the Wings, reposted in its entirety with permission.]

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