This is a series of Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a pair of Prophetic Nuggets based on 2 Kings 2:9-10.
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Ask in Faith.”
2 Kings 2:9 (VOICE) After the two had made it to the other side of the Jordan, Elijah spoke to Elisha. Elijah: Tell me what it is you would like me to do for you before I am taken away from you. Elisha: Please, I wish to receive a double portion of your spirit. As your successor, I want to have twice the portion of your power.
Beloved, if anointing is what you seek, don’t be afraid to ask. I love to empower My children, and I love to work through you. For those who are willing and tenacious in their faith, I AM able to do amazing and awesome things.
So if you desire to move powerfully on My behalf, cultivate relationship with Me and ask boldly. For I have given you access because of My love for you, so approach Me without hesitation, and ask in faith expecting Me to respond.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “A Yielded Vessel Bears Much Fruit.”
2 Kings 2:10 (VOICE) Elijah: What you have requested of me is challenging, but it will be done if you witness my departure. But if you do not watch, then you will not have your double portion.
Beloved, you desire increase, but remember it often comes as a result of obedience and vigilance. Be sensitive to My Spirit’s leadings and you don’t miss a thing. Be ready and alert, and – when I give direction – be quick to obey.
Remember, beloved, your understanding isn’t required for you to be obedient. Step out in faith. Trust My direction. Trust I’ll bring loving correction when needed. So obey and trust, and then watch as I increase the powerful ways I move through you. A yielded vessel bears much fruit.