Dyed4you Art Flag: Chay Elohim

This is our Chay Elohim flag, which features our Chay Elohim (Living God) [23rd Psalm] silk. This flag is part of our “Names of God” Dyed4you Art flag line. Each of these flags feature an image of a related Dyed4you silk, the word for which is included as part of the word that goes with this flag. Additionally, these flags are anointed with the same oils as the original silks.

The Hebrew lettering on this flag says: Chay Elohim, which means Living God. This name comes from Jeremiah 23:36 (KJV) [emphasis mine] “And the burden of the LORD shall ye mention no more: for every man’s word shall be his burden; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God.”

A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Chay Elohim (the Living God).”

Isaiah 60:1 (NLV) Rise up and shine, for your light has come. The shining-greatness of the Lord has risen upon you.

Beloved, I shine brighter than a thousand suns. My light is more glorious than anything on heaven or earth. Look to Me. Keep your eyes fixed on My gaze and refuse to look away. May your face reflect My radiance.

I AM Chay Elohim – the Living God. I AM not an idol made by human hands – lifeless and powerless. Rather I AM the source of life. My Holy Spirit gives life to the dry bones and makes the dead places to flourish. Look to Me, and refuse to shift your gaze, and see what I can do in you.

The name of the silk in this piece is Chay Elohim (Living God) [23rd Psalm].

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Breath of God, which brings life! God is fully able to breathe life even into things or situations that seem completely dead. His breath – His life – brings full and complete restoration. The scripture that goes with this oil is, “Thus saith the Lord GOD unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:” Ezekiel 37:5

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this letter, I explain on my personal blog in a post called God Speaking Through Silk why I began sharing these on my personal blog. Later, I felt led to share some on the Dyed4you Ministries blog as well. So I share some here and some there (you can find the ones there in the silk words category). To find out more about the words we birth – including how they are created and what is typically included – visit our About Our Silk Letters and Art Words page.

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