Live: Empowered by Choice

  • D4Yart Decks are available for order
  • We started with an impromptu field trip to see if the oven was still on LOL
  • @D4YartDeck Card Pull
    • The “CHALLENGES” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Lord of All” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “All of life presents challenges to overcome and grow through. Making daily choices to be healthy may be difficult, but not doing so and dealing with the resulting health challenges is difficult too; just as being fiscally responsible is challenging, but living in a constant state of debt and lack is as well. So choose wisely which challenges you want to take on, rather than allowing your non-decisions to force your hand.”

And if you are seeing this later, I hope you enjoy watching the replay of the livestream. Many blessings on all of you and have a beautiful weekend!

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