This is a series of six Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of three Prophetic Nuggets based on 2 Samuel 22:1-7; 17-20 (VOICE):
David: The Eternal is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; He is my True God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge, My strong shield, my horn that calls forth rescue, my tall-walled tower and strong refuge, My savior from violence. I call on the Eternal, who is worthy to be praised, and I have been rescued from my enemies. The waves of death surrounded me; the torrents of terror tugged at me. The sorrows of the grave tightly tangled me; the snares of death met me. In my time of need I called upon the Eternal One; I called to my True God for help. He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came to His ears. He reached down from above me, He held me; He pulled me from the raging waters. He rescued me from my strong enemy and from all those who hated me, for they would have overwhelmed me. When my enemies came for me on the day of my destruction, the Eternal stepped in to support me. He led me out onto a broad plain; He delivered me because of His delight in me.
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Elohim Emet (True God).”
2 Samuel 22:1-2 (VOICE) The Eternal is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; He is my True God, my stronghold in whom I take refuge,
Beloved, I AM Elohim Emit, the true God. I AM your strength when you feel weak and a place of safety for you to run. I AM your firm foundation, your all in all. I AM wholly reliable and the same yesterday, today, and forever. For eternity I AM.
Resist the urge to be strong on your own, for we are one. There is no separation. My strength is your strength, and My stability is yours. So feel the essence of that might as it flows through you – that is Me, that is us, we are one.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “Wondrous Oneness.”
2 Samuel 22:2-3 (VOICE) [He is] My strong shield, my horn that calls forth rescue, my tall-walled tower and strong refuge, My savior from violence.
Beloved, I AM your horn of strength. You have nothing to fear for I AM, and we are one. I delight in you as a husband delights in his bride. I would give all My limitless strength to protect you. You are loved and you are safe.
I AM fully able to protect you and to snatch you from the edge before you fall. Surrender to the wondrous oneness, and trust you are safely held in My everlasting arms.
The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Call and I Hear.”
2 Samuel 22:4-7 (VOICE) I call on the Eternal, who is worthy to be praised, and I have been rescued from my enemies. The waves of death surrounded me; the torrents of terror tugged at me. The sorrows of the grave tightly tangled me; the snares of death met me. In my time of need I called upon the Eternal One; I called to my True God for help. He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came to His ears.
Beloved, whenever you call, I hear you, for I AM always listening. I AM YHVH Shema, the Lord who hears, and I AM keenly attuned to your voice. You never need to beg for me to respond, for I AM not cold nor distant and My ear is always inclined to your cries.
I have a perspective that is broader than yours though, so how I respond may be different than what you hope or expect, but you can always trust My response comes from a place of love. So while I may not “rescue” you from a challenge, I will walk beside you through it and support you as you go. Trust that I can and will work all things for good. You are heard. You are seen. And you are loved.
The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “Held in Oneness.”
2 Samuel 22:17 (VOICE) He reached down from above me, He held me; He pulled me from the raging waters.
Beloved, I AM Olam Zerowa, the everlasting arms. In My embrace you are safely held. So reach for Me (which is simply allowing yourself to tune in to what already is), knowing I will always respond (for I AM always here), and cling to Me knowing in my hold you are always safe.
My love knows no time nor distance. I AM ever-present and ever loving you. Rest in the delight of that intimacy, knowing I am steadfast and true, and I will never leave you or forsake you. We are united in love. We are one.
The fifth Prophetic Nugget is called “Fullness of Power and Authority.”
2 Samuel 22:18-19 (VOICE) He rescued me from my strong enemy and from all those who hated me, for they would have overwhelmed me. When my enemies came for me on the day of my destruction, the Eternal stepped in to support me.
Beloved, I AM your support and your firm foundation. I AM your safe port in any storm. I AM not daunted by the challenges that find you, nor am I incapable of seeing you through. I AM on your side. I protect and I shield you. I AM your rear guard. You will never know all the things I have kept from hindering you, but what you can know – and can fully trust – is that I AM always with you, available with strength, wisdom, and direction to see you through.
So trust in Me, but also trust that I have rightly equipped you for each moment and each event of your life. I have made you strong and able, for you are made in My image. This isn’t about powering through in human strength, but rather stepping into the fullness of power and authority that comes with walking in unity – in Oneness – with Me.
The sixth Prophetic Nugget is called “Intimacy of Delight.”
2 Samuel 22:20 (VOICE) He led me out onto a broad plain; He delivered me because of His delight in me.
Beloved, delight in Me as I delight in you. I move with you towards and into the land of promise. For I AM YHVH Zakar, the Lord who remembers, and I remember and watch over to see through to completion every promise I have given.
Trust the journey, and enjoy the process, for it is part of the gift. It is too easy to hyper-focus on the destination, which often only slows its realization. So simply embrace Me, and enjoy our walk together knowing that from end-to-end it is good.